POLL: What is your current living arrangement?

  • I live in a flat on my own (well apart from my pet budgie) but it's supported accommodation. There are support workers on site all week but for weekends. I rent the flat, and its my own space with my own kitchen and bathroom etc. 

    Not sure which one that would be in the poll.  

  • Thanks for your question and joining in. Relaxed

    That's one I hadn't thought of. I wish I could edit the response options on the poll now you've said it!

    Who do you rent the flat from? I guess some people who 'live alone and rent' will have support workers visiting them at home periodically anyway, so you could select one of those options as you are in a self-contained flat. Although, if you are getting regular help from the support workers on site (say, daily support), then 'live with others (not family)' might be more appropriate. Or you could just go with 'other'. Completely up to you.

  • Thanks for your question and joining in. Relaxed

    That's one I hadn't thought of. I wish I could edit the response options on the poll now you've said it!

    Who do you rent the flat from? I guess some people who 'live alone and rent' will have support workers visiting them at home periodically anyway, so you could select one of those options as you are in a self-contained flat. Although, if you are getting regular help from the support workers on site (say, daily support), then 'live with others (not family)' might be more appropriate. Or you could just go with 'other'. Completely up to you.

  • The flat is rented from a housing association, one that seems to to Be involved in a lot of supported accommodation. The company that does the support is a separate company who rent the building from the housing association. Then obviously tenants pay the rent for their individual flat. The housing association don’t really get involved in much though and leave pretty much everything up to the support company.