Nightmare English test

Here is an update of how my various employment advisors are still struggling to get me into paid work.

My latest advisor sent me to a training company who insisted I take their online functional English test.

What a nightmare,  I tried my best and my best was a disaster. 

Here's a photo of my results screen.

41% for spelling,  punctuation and grammar!   I never realised I was that bad.  

Some of the questions were torture.  Such as the comma question,  I was given a paragraph to read and told to find the five comma mistakes, where commas where either missing or superfluous. Oh my first reading I couldn't identify a single mistake.

  • Hey, hun! First of all, you should be proud of that 83% for the reading section! And, regarding spelling and grammar, don't you worry about that! Star using [removed by mod], you'll see improvement in no time! Even as a native speaker, I find English spelling notoriously difficult to master. Just give it some time and patience, and you'll start to see noticeable progress! Ah, another thing! Try to be consistent about using British or American spellings in your writing! I hope this helps!

  • Hey, hun! First of all, you should be proud of that 83% for the reading section! And, regarding spelling and grammar, don't you worry about that! Star using [removed by mod], you'll see improvement in no time! Even as a native speaker, I find English spelling notoriously difficult to master. Just give it some time and patience, and you'll start to see noticeable progress! Ah, another thing! Try to be consistent about using British or American spellings in your writing! I hope this helps!

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