Emotional during movies.

Has anyone else become emotional during movies? (A Goofy Movie, Bolt, Inside Out etc.)

I know that this may sound soppy, but I tend to become slightly emotional to such movies especially when I have had a can or two. I know that there is no shame in showing one's emotions from movies.

I know that I am not the only one!

  • Watership Down brings a tear to my eye. When Hazel passes at the end of the film is satisfying but sad.

    The next Richard Adams film was far darker, and way more sad.

    The Plague Dogs. The end is soul crushing.

    "There is. There. Can't you see it? Our island..."

  • Watership Down brings a tear to my eye. When Hazel passes at the end of the film is satisfying but sad.

    The next Richard Adams film was far darker, and way more sad.

    The Plague Dogs. The end is soul crushing.

    "There is. There. Can't you see it? Our island..."
