Say something silly, give bad advice, things that will really wind someone up, things that wind you up, favourite word

just say something silly or something that makes you happy or just a favorite word, or really bad advice, or things that wind you up or things that will really wind someone up in a funny way

Lets keep it to 4 lines max

  • My favourite word when I was younger was antidisestablishment totalitarianism, just because!

  • You're definitely my twin - I learned and memorised how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism when I was about 9 just because it was (so I thought) the longest word there is.

    A tenuous leap takes me to Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and Bovine Sponegiform Encepalopathy because of the rhythms and geekiness of remembering them. The former came up in a pub quiz last week & I finally had my moment :-).

  • You're definitely my twin - I learned and memorised how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism when I was about 9 just because it was (so I thought) the longest word there is.

    A tenuous leap takes me to Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and Bovine Sponegiform Encepalopathy because of the rhythms and geekiness of remembering them. The former came up in a pub quiz last week & I finally had my moment :-).

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