motor/coordination skills

I find this so hilariously annoying and wonder if anyone else suffers this:

I have trouble putting small food into my mouth with my hands. I've taken up eating dry fruit and nuts lately and I miss my mouth a lot.

Would this be a trait at all? I'm clumsy as hell anyway.

  • I'm super clumsy. Walk into door frames, drop plates or glasses. When I worked at sea we had bunk beds and every day I'd hit my head on the top bunk. Im always covered in cuts and bruises

    •  Worse when I've just woken up
  • I'm super clumsy. Walk into door frames, drop plates or glasses. When I worked at sea we had bunk beds and every day I'd hit my head on the top bunk. Im always covered in cuts and bruises

    •  Worse when I've just woken up
  • I'm so glad someone else has said about walking into door frames!  I get so so angry that I'm so clumsy.  I'm forever dropping things, spilling drinks, completely misjudging distances, like I'll go to step over something-I've seen it, I've planned to step over it, I go to lift my foot, misjudge it and either stump my toe or trip over.  And I've smashed my hips so many times on door frames!