End of Year Results :(. Please, help us to understand the procedures...


Our son is in reception and attends ASD Base. He got his End of Year results and we are very disappointed, because he scored only one "Expected" judgment out of seventeen. We know him very well and do not agree with the judgement. We heard today from his teacher, that it is because of his lack of English language understanding. Is it really like that? Our son will be unclassified because he does not speak and does not fully understand English? He is familiar with many areas from the Early Learning Goals standards and we have pictures to prove it. We were asking the teachers many times if it is better to speak to Patryk in English but they said that it is not necessary and that we can talk with him in our mother tongue. In terms of our son's progress, my husband and I asked the teachers to write notes in his communication book about the disadvantages he has, but they still keep writing about what he was playing with or they just leave simple information that he had a good day.

Another thing is about our son's OT provision. We had his EHCP review meeting four months ago, and still are waiting for paperwork. The teachers said, that he will be reassessed at school, but the OT is off sick. We have been asking for her for a long time and she was always off sick.. Is there any way to make a complaint and what if we would like to change the school? What is the procedure? My husband thinks that you (English people) simply do not like immigrants :).

We would be grateful for your opinions.

  • It is is really sad, it shouldn't be like that, but with the SEN and EHCP you have to keep pushing and pushing steadily, because the moment you relax, stings stall or even roll back.

    In terms of taking advice, if you have the capacity, try to contact them all, as the knowledge and energy of the specific volunteer will make a huge difference, so set your net broadly. talk to NAS, IPSEA and SOSSEN. SENDIAS are good to check out the LA line, what they would say or do.

    You need to write to the school asking why the progress is inadequate. You need to write to the LA SEN officer asking when the OT provisions will be arranged and state that your son cannot wait any longer. start by contacting IPSEA and looking at the whole array of tools and model letters to treat the LA with. You could also try to use one of SOSSEN walk in centres, they are really excellent. You have the chance to chat with other local parents and to talk to the adviser about how to handle your situation, which steps and tools to use. Check on their website.

  • Tinyexplorer thank you so much for your advice. I really appreciate it! I will contact the organisations you mentioned about, but am a little bit afraid, because it will take time before they solve our problems and even if we get support from them, the school will already be closed and I wanted to sort it out ASAP..

    I asked the teachers for an appointment, but they said that they do not have available slots at the moment and are very busy this week... It sounds ridiculous to me.

    My son will have his last day at school on the 23rd of July.

  • Tinyexplorer thank you so much for your advice. I really appreciate it! I will contact the organisations you mentioned about, but am a little bit afraid, because it will take time before they solve our problems and even if we get support from them, the school will already be closed and I wanted to sort it out ASAP..

    I asked the teachers for an appointment, but they said that they do not have available slots at the moment and are very busy this week... It sounds ridiculous to me.

    My son will have his last day at school on the 23rd of July.

  • I am really sorry that  your son is in this position and the school didn't communicate properly with you on the transition. Do you have a support plan at school? An Individual Educational Plan or Provision Map? Is your child on SEN register?

    Whatever you have, send a copy to the Senco of the secondary school. You need to call and write to them and demand an urgent meeting to arrange transition. Demand to set things up for when he starts the secondary school in September. They know that he will need support in place to make the transition a success.