what kind of work do people do?

I'm quite curious what kind of work do people here do? I've seen from some comments in other threads that there are social workers and teachers out there. The stereotypical autism job is computer programmer, which I think is really cool and requires lots of talent. There are also students on this forum (I'd be interested to know what you're studying). 

Also, what jobs do you think are well-suited for the autistic personality?

  • I trained to be a primary teacher, dropped out mid way through the course as I really struggled with the social aspects when on placement. I worked as a teaching assistant for children with asd for a while and then plucked up the courage to go back to teaching.  I worked in the same school for 10 years predominantly with children with special needs (mostly asd). Until I got to a point of mental exhaustion on the social demands and organisational demands upon me and had to leave. I loved being in a class with the children but found the other demands just too hard. I started childminding from my home with my partner, she dealt with the majority of the parents/phone calls etc and I spent time with the kids and did the paperwork. Our business grew and I now Co manage a nursery and forest school with my partner. We still have more or less the same roles. We have staff and those staff are fabulous and although, all but one, don't officially know about my asd (I'm undiagnosed) they are very aware of my quirks and difficulties (and my strengths of course). My main issue when dealing with staff is I am almost too empathic and find it hard to tell them what to do or if they have done wrong. When I was teaching I always put my asd down to anxiety and have been medicated for anxiety/depression for many years. It has only been recently I have begun to come to terms with the fact my difficulties run deeper and aren't going away with a pill. Im thinking about formal diagnosis but not sure... Its interesting to read others experiences of work. I think I should have probably gone down the mathematics route and into a more asd job! X

  • It's interesting that you're working with children with ASD. I think I'm both good and bad with children. I think if children are well-behaved, I can easily get in sync with them, play their games with them, and therefore children like me. However, when children are naughty or having tantrums, I can't stand them and would like to be as far away as possible, largely due to sensory issues. 

    I think I should have probably gone down the mathematics route and into a more asd job! X

    Haha, I sometimes feel that way too!

  • It's interesting that you're working with children with ASD. I think I'm both good and bad with children. I think if children are well-behaved, I can easily get in sync with them, play their games with them, and therefore children like me. However, when children are naughty or having tantrums, I can't stand them and would like to be as far away as possible, largely due to sensory issues. 

    I think I should have probably gone down the mathematics route and into a more asd job! X

    Haha, I sometimes feel that way too!

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