what kind of work do people do?

I'm quite curious what kind of work do people here do? I've seen from some comments in other threads that there are social workers and teachers out there. The stereotypical autism job is computer programmer, which I think is really cool and requires lots of talent. There are also students on this forum (I'd be interested to know what you're studying). 

Also, what jobs do you think are well-suited for the autistic personality?

  • I’m a Mental Health Nurse, I work mainly in dementia care. I did my under grad in Psychology though I’m interested in most things brain related. I’d love to get back into studying Psychology to be honest but Nursing pays a wage and the children are far too young for me to even consider trying to study at postgraduate level for the foreseeable future.

  • Cool! You must have lots of academic knowledge about ASD then :) 

    It's possible to do a part-time postgraduate, perhaps? To work while taking a couple of days off per week to do postgraduate stuff? 

    And it's also a possibility to look forward to when your kids are grown up.

  • It was meant to be a joke, you can see how bad I am at it. It's also the job a character had from my all time favorite tv show. It's the image I remember most and his conversation with the doctor who comes to treat him to tell him he's suffering from stress. It's a great scene. 

  • Northern Exposure is a Dr in Alaska, Due South is a Mountie in Chicago - both are great.

    Looking back, I think Benton Fraser (the Mountie) shows definite ASD traits

  • I had the total hots for 'Maggie' (Janine Turner) from that show...

  • Thanks for introducing me to this show. It sounds interesting. Slight smile

  • Oh, no idea, but no mounty in NX

  • Strange question was that the one with the mounty or was that due south?

  • Hello qwerty, It's a TV series from the 90's called 'Northern Exposure', season 5 episode 14, 'Bolt from the Blue'. It's about a Jewish Doctor who ends up practising for 4 years in Alaska to repay his student loans after qualifying. Although filmed in Roslyn, Washington and not Alaska.Roslyn's is the name of the cafe too in the series named after the founders of the town of Cicely in the series. 

    The characters are terrific and it's timeless. I've not had a TV for well over 20 years, was never a 'TV' person, but I loved that and have the boxset.

    When I have been away from home and been around a TV I always have a look at the channel guide to see if its the same things still running and it always is, I'll then watch it for five minutes on any channel to see if it still makes me feel the same, and it does, I find it utterly depressing and other things I can't really describe but it's all bad feelings for humanity.

  • Hello qwerty, It's a TV series from the 90's called 'Northern Exposure', season 5 episode 14, 'Bolt from the Blue'. It's about a Jewish Doctor who ends up practising for 4 years in Alaska to repay his student loans after qualifying. Although filmed in Roslyn, Washington and not Alaska.Roslyn's is the name of the cafe too in the series named after the founders of the town of Cicely in the series. 

    The characters are terrific and it's timeless. I've not had a TV for well over 20 years, was never a 'TV' person, but I loved that and have the boxset.

    When I have been away from home and been around a TV I always have a look at the channel guide to see if its the same things still running and it always is, I'll then watch it for five minutes on any channel to see if it still makes me feel the same, and it does, I find it utterly depressing and other things I can't really describe but it's all bad feelings for humanity.
