Why does my psychiatrist want an ECG and Bloods?

Hi all,

hoping one of you might be able to offer some words of wisdom/advice or support. I’ve recently been on a bit of a rollercoaster with my mental health, 2 weeks ago I took a potentially fatal overdose- I didn’t die, obviously Rolling eyes. Since then I’ve been under an acute community team who visit me at home twice a day, they give me a days medication at a time and I have their numbers to call in a crisis. I had an emergency appointment with a psychiatrist yesterday and the impression I got from her was that the medication I was on was A. Too high a dose and B. Not very effective in treating my mental health problems. She said I’d hear something today about what was to be the plan. I would agree that the medication I’m currently on has little effect. 

roll forward to today and a phone call from someone in the community team saying there was to be no change in medication, and that I was to have ECG (heart tracing) and bloods tomorrow. When I questioned them as to why, the staff just said the dr hadn’t told them why. Which is now plaguing my every thought.  

Any one have a similar situation? Do some medications require these tests before starting them? Does she think there’s a physical problem causing the mental health issues? 

Thanks, ParaTed

  • It's definitely meds. Mirtazipine, some anti-anxiety meds, benzodiazepines, and muscle relaxants, all require regular EGC's and bloods. It's mainly to do with metabolism changes. If you haven't been on meds long, they still need to check because of things like irregular heartbeat, and blood clotting.

    Don't worry, it's routine. Nothing to worry about. The Dr. could have told them why, but it's a good thing you came here and asked. Peace of mind is something important when you are having mental health problems.

    I hope that you get the appropriate care, and things all work out for you.

    Take care, and all the best.

  • It's definitely meds. Mirtazipine, some anti-anxiety meds, benzodiazepines, and muscle relaxants, all require regular EGC's and bloods. It's mainly to do with metabolism changes. If you haven't been on meds long, they still need to check because of things like irregular heartbeat, and blood clotting.

    Don't worry, it's routine. Nothing to worry about. The Dr. could have told them why, but it's a good thing you came here and asked. Peace of mind is something important when you are having mental health problems.

    I hope that you get the appropriate care, and things all work out for you.

    Take care, and all the best.

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