Why does my psychiatrist want an ECG and Bloods?

Hi all,

hoping one of you might be able to offer some words of wisdom/advice or support. I’ve recently been on a bit of a rollercoaster with my mental health, 2 weeks ago I took a potentially fatal overdose- I didn’t die, obviously Rolling eyes. Since then I’ve been under an acute community team who visit me at home twice a day, they give me a days medication at a time and I have their numbers to call in a crisis. I had an emergency appointment with a psychiatrist yesterday and the impression I got from her was that the medication I was on was A. Too high a dose and B. Not very effective in treating my mental health problems. She said I’d hear something today about what was to be the plan. I would agree that the medication I’m currently on has little effect. 

roll forward to today and a phone call from someone in the community team saying there was to be no change in medication, and that I was to have ECG (heart tracing) and bloods tomorrow. When I questioned them as to why, the staff just said the dr hadn’t told them why. Which is now plaguing my every thought.  

Any one have a similar situation? Do some medications require these tests before starting them? Does she think there’s a physical problem causing the mental health issues? 

Thanks, ParaTed

  • Might be because of the medication youre already on? I have to have these once a year with what i take as it is possible it can cause irregular heart rythms and (i think) increase chance of diabetes and something else. Doc said to me its a precaution rather than something they expect to happen? Think theres a few meds they do this for. 

  • Might be because of the medication youre already on? I have to have these once a year with what i take as it is possible it can cause irregular heart rythms and (i think) increase chance of diabetes and something else. Doc said to me its a precaution rather than something they expect to happen? Think theres a few meds they do this for. 

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