Toddler and children

Hi My Grandson is 2 and waiting for his diognosis. My son and his wife try and encourage him to socialize with other children of his age, but he is very resistant ! What is the best way forward with this, we don’t want him to feel pressured and it only caused him stress. 

  • My son is now 35 and he was diagnosed at 4 years and 11 months and the diagnosis started at 2 years and 2 months. He never did socialize well with other children. He never understood the concept of playing or imagining. My son kind went backwards. He socialized best with adults and wanted to do adult type stuff like laundry or shopping. So our social trips were usually to the grocery store or the laundry mat. (even though we had a washing machine at home). It wasn't until he got much older that he started showing an interest in playing. he was just playing with a group of kids last Sunday after church. They had some squirt guns and my son had chased a group of kids into one of the classrooms. He knocked on the door and said " This is the police, open the door so that I can shoot you" . lol  Still doesn't quite have it.  If you don't mind my opinion, Don't try to change him. let him forge his own path and just keep giving him all the opportunities and love that you can. I promise you will never regret it. 

  • My son is now 35 and he was diagnosed at 4 years and 11 months and the diagnosis started at 2 years and 2 months. He never did socialize well with other children. He never understood the concept of playing or imagining. My son kind went backwards. He socialized best with adults and wanted to do adult type stuff like laundry or shopping. So our social trips were usually to the grocery store or the laundry mat. (even though we had a washing machine at home). It wasn't until he got much older that he started showing an interest in playing. he was just playing with a group of kids last Sunday after church. They had some squirt guns and my son had chased a group of kids into one of the classrooms. He knocked on the door and said " This is the police, open the door so that I can shoot you" . lol  Still doesn't quite have it.  If you don't mind my opinion, Don't try to change him. let him forge his own path and just keep giving him all the opportunities and love that you can. I promise you will never regret it. 

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