What type of craft/making do you like?

Hi all,

I was inspired by a thread yesterday about knitting, to start a craft or making thread to see what people on here like to craft or make. I like to bead/make jewellery, the type I make is sewn out of seed beads, into a variety of patterns. Included are some photos of my latest piece, a necklace which took 12 hours! Please feel free to share your craft/hobby and a picture of your latest/favourite make if you wish.

Parents Reply
  • I have a lot of different pieces, I am running out of studio space in fact, this particular style is more recent. I do have a website as well as shops on RedBubble, Saatchi and so forth. After decades of experimenting I do sell the odd work now and then now

  • Yes, it is. Unless you have a Name, in which case you could deface a canvas and sell it for thousands

  • It’s such a shame, when we put so much time into creating something that people expect to buy it for next to nothing! Actually it’s downright insulting!

  • When it comes to.Art, there can be some very strange attitudes. With any other kind of labour, no.one would expect to have something for nothing. Not even if it is a cheap and nasty mass-produced clone. 

    If you were doing.anything other than jewellery I would recommend print on demand sites such as Red Bubble. Then again, recently I pulled all my work.out of a cooperative art gallery after they put the rent up and wanted it three monthly. I only ever sold the odd thing there for peanuts.  He didn't mind reminding me that without a Name it would be difficult to ask for more than peanuts. 

    With Etsy you keep.paying the rent too. 

  • This piece certainly looks worthy of being sold. It’s good that you manage to sell a few pieces. I used to do craft fairs to sell my jewellery and had a shop on Etsy but people tend to want something for nothing and I wasn’t covering my costs so now I just make jewellery as a hobby.