
When I was young I used to enjoy visits to libraries, they were a place of refuge.  Peaceful, quiet, a nice atmosphere, the smell of books.  And I enjoyed reading.

Now Dizzy face .it's all changed.

My local library ( as have most of the libraries in the city)      has been refurbished and renamed a community hub.

Now there are few books, .lots of computers, uniformed security guards, meeting rooms, help and advice experts on council services, jobs & benefits.  And finally the local post office has closed down and moved into this library itself.

On one side of the room there is a bookcase and next to it a queue of people using the post office.

I miss the old traditional libraries. With wooden bookshelves, books, a librarian and cardboard library tickets in books with dated stamps.

  • New “libraries” are horrible. I don’t mine the computers or anything to do with education.  But these community hubs are awful.  

    I recently went to a local library at 9am when the building opened.  I wanted to use a computer/internet, none at home just a smartphone. Only to be told, the library opened at 9.30. It’s the hub that opens at 9.

    It’s soooo noisy now.  Constant ringing in the phone urgh!!!

  • New “libraries” are horrible. I don’t mine the computers or anything to do with education.  But these community hubs are awful.  

    I recently went to a local library at 9am when the building opened.  I wanted to use a computer/internet, none at home just a smartphone. Only to be told, the library opened at 9.30. It’s the hub that opens at 9.

    It’s soooo noisy now.  Constant ringing in the phone urgh!!!

  • My local library is very rarely open. The branch in the nearby town has been merged with the sports centre. Acoustics are terrible - and there's a shared enquiries desk which is very confusing. Ironic that the building is so inaccessible for people with hearing loss - it is where they hold the spares and repairs clinic for hearing aids.