Am I a snob?

First a confession, I am a shopaholic.  I have to visit shops every day.

Yesterday, I visited three budget shops.

  1. Aldi, I found the people there to be crude, vulgar, common people with no manners.
  2. Fulton's, the shoppers and their clothes smell, don't these people bathe ? Or do laundry?
  3. Poundstrecher, the faint smell of old vomit made me feel sick.

I prefer Waitrose and M & S.

  • people there to be crude, vulgar, common people with no manners.

    ...I sort of 'ran off' this Thread, but I was still thinking about it. I think that, by Terms such as "Snob" or "Common", it is indeed just a label - BUT - when the person labelled enforces that label of them, then, well, that is what is enforced from the point of view of the person giving the label. (This goes right back into history (predudice, etc.) ... and thus so long a debate that I am not interested in it -!)

    I keep thinking of trying this statement, here:

    "Common people" may mean as said there, plus I might add, people who are clones, energy-vampires, drones, in the majority (hence thier being "common" and not "uncommon")...

    But the defining thing is - **"Commoners" do not seek anything else and are very Happy to STAY that way**...?!

    (E.g. - In going with the flow, they are supported, thus are Common. An uncertain thing also flowing, is not Common, but is a Weirdo. Hopefully anyone gets what I mean, here.)

  • people there to be crude, vulgar, common people with no manners.

    ...I sort of 'ran off' this Thread, but I was still thinking about it. I think that, by Terms such as "Snob" or "Common", it is indeed just a label - BUT - when the person labelled enforces that label of them, then, well, that is what is enforced from the point of view of the person giving the label. (This goes right back into history (predudice, etc.) ... and thus so long a debate that I am not interested in it -!)

    I keep thinking of trying this statement, here:

    "Common people" may mean as said there, plus I might add, people who are clones, energy-vampires, drones, in the majority (hence thier being "common" and not "uncommon")...

    But the defining thing is - **"Commoners" do not seek anything else and are very Happy to STAY that way**...?!

    (E.g. - In going with the flow, they are supported, thus are Common. An uncertain thing also flowing, is not Common, but is a Weirdo. Hopefully anyone gets what I mean, here.)

  • I suspect that I've upset you.

    Let me rephrase my opinions, being common or a snob, is not about money but a state of mind.

    And in my extreme past I've dealt with both.  Even within my own family.

    My father, for example was poor his entire life but also an absolute snob.  He never had any kind of bank account but tried to pay utility bills through a bank because it made him feel important.  The banks either refused or added a handling charge.  We tried to persuade him to use the post office to pay the bills.  But he flicked his wrist in a dismissal action and said, ' Post offices are for those type of people!'.