BBC radio programme called "1800 Seconds on Autism"

"1800 Seconds on Autism" home page:

All episodes:

These can currently be downloaded as podcasts.

There is also an article on the BBC website today called "Do autistic people 'get' jokes?":

  • I listened to the one about comedy and thought it was fun but probably intended for listeners a lot younger than me. Will give at least one more of the podcasts a go. 

    When I started CBT sessions I used to make an occasional jokey remark to "lighten the mood" but the psychologist would never smile. Eventually she had to explain to me that it would be unprofessional of her to laugh at anything one of her patients said (no matter how absurd) also she didn't necessarily want the mood of the session lightened. Clinical Psychologists, tough crowd!

  • I listened to the one about comedy and thought it was fun but probably intended for listeners a lot younger than me. Will give at least one more of the podcasts a go. 

    When I started CBT sessions I used to make an occasional jokey remark to "lighten the mood" but the psychologist would never smile. Eventually she had to explain to me that it would be unprofessional of her to laugh at anything one of her patients said (no matter how absurd) also she didn't necessarily want the mood of the session lightened. Clinical Psychologists, tough crowd!
