Atos/WCA documentary's

Did anyone see the dispatches or panorama documentaries last week?

Very interesting to see Atos & DWP lies exposed, its a shame that most people won't care and allow Chris "Mengele" Grayling to get away with it.

  • some one said:
    fair enough, you have your views and expriences i have mine, all i know is the majority of experiences i hear about, via people i know or stories from ducumentaries , have been negative, its good you had a positive one, but sadly its rare for most of us

    Well, yes. That is the nature of these things. People who have a good experience don't complain because, well, there's nothing to complain about!

    So you do only ever hear about the bad experiences. However it is a logical fallacy to go from "I only hear about bad experiences" to "all interviewers must lack compassion because all I ever hear about is a lack of compassion".

    It's like saying "I have a red apple, and I've only ever seen red apples, therefore all apples must be red".

    Which is patently untrue.

    You simply can not take one, a hundred, or even a thousand, examples of a lack of compassion and simply extrapolate that out to all cases.

    some one said:
    as for the analogy, i merely suggested we go with it, it was not my analogy, i didn't create i just went with it

    if you have a problem with that analogy talk to the person who brought it up, i merely suggested 2 things,

    its about comparison to having compassion and no or little compassiosn for the "interviewee"

    , and the fact that 'doing their job' is never an excuse to treat people badly

    No it's not, and I'm not saying it is.

    But there is a whole world of difference between some jerk being a jerk in a WCA, and someone carting off jews, gays, and the disabled to be gassed, during WWII.

    some one said:
    as we are on a form on autism, an issue which faces lots of discrimination because of the issues related to it, id woould have thought it was relevant

    When we're being carted of to the gas chambers, then I'll agree with you.

    some one said:
    if its your view that it is "belittling and lowering" to compare

    No, I said it belittles oneself to use such a comparison.

    It is also an offense to those that did die at the hands the nazi machine during the holocaust.

    some one said:

    all i ask is you research just how many people are afected by atos "interviews" and ask them directly why they were affected

    And I ask you to research just how many people have had a positive outcome from the WCA assessments, and ask them how it was for them.

    Now, I'm sure you know that neither of us has access to the information, or the resources, to actually conduct such research in the proper manner, so suggesting such a thing is really quite pointless.

    some one said:

    we have had a system for a long time, but it wasnt always this way, something changed and who they began to hire changed, and why they hired them

    I agree the system changed, however I don't believe that the people doing the assessments now are significantly different to the people that did the assessments previously. Again, it is the system that is at fault here. Not the people.

    Labelling all WCA assessors as discompassionate is as bad as labelling all benefits claiments as scroungers.

    I don't know just how many times I need to repeat this simple idea for you to get it, but I'll try again: Just because one or two people within a larger group conform to a certain stereotype that does not mean that all of them do!

    If we are to have any legitimacy in our fight against denegration by a system that tries to label us in such a manner, then we must raise ourselves, our standards, and our opinions, above those of the enemy we face.

  • some one said:
    fair enough, you have your views and expriences i have mine, all i know is the majority of experiences i hear about, via people i know or stories from ducumentaries , have been negative, its good you had a positive one, but sadly its rare for most of us

    Well, yes. That is the nature of these things. People who have a good experience don't complain because, well, there's nothing to complain about!

    So you do only ever hear about the bad experiences. However it is a logical fallacy to go from "I only hear about bad experiences" to "all interviewers must lack compassion because all I ever hear about is a lack of compassion".

    It's like saying "I have a red apple, and I've only ever seen red apples, therefore all apples must be red".

    Which is patently untrue.

    You simply can not take one, a hundred, or even a thousand, examples of a lack of compassion and simply extrapolate that out to all cases.

    some one said:
    as for the analogy, i merely suggested we go with it, it was not my analogy, i didn't create i just went with it

    if you have a problem with that analogy talk to the person who brought it up, i merely suggested 2 things,

    its about comparison to having compassion and no or little compassiosn for the "interviewee"

    , and the fact that 'doing their job' is never an excuse to treat people badly

    No it's not, and I'm not saying it is.

    But there is a whole world of difference between some jerk being a jerk in a WCA, and someone carting off jews, gays, and the disabled to be gassed, during WWII.

    some one said:
    as we are on a form on autism, an issue which faces lots of discrimination because of the issues related to it, id woould have thought it was relevant

    When we're being carted of to the gas chambers, then I'll agree with you.

    some one said:
    if its your view that it is "belittling and lowering" to compare

    No, I said it belittles oneself to use such a comparison.

    It is also an offense to those that did die at the hands the nazi machine during the holocaust.

    some one said:

    all i ask is you research just how many people are afected by atos "interviews" and ask them directly why they were affected

    And I ask you to research just how many people have had a positive outcome from the WCA assessments, and ask them how it was for them.

    Now, I'm sure you know that neither of us has access to the information, or the resources, to actually conduct such research in the proper manner, so suggesting such a thing is really quite pointless.

    some one said:

    we have had a system for a long time, but it wasnt always this way, something changed and who they began to hire changed, and why they hired them

    I agree the system changed, however I don't believe that the people doing the assessments now are significantly different to the people that did the assessments previously. Again, it is the system that is at fault here. Not the people.

    Labelling all WCA assessors as discompassionate is as bad as labelling all benefits claiments as scroungers.

    I don't know just how many times I need to repeat this simple idea for you to get it, but I'll try again: Just because one or two people within a larger group conform to a certain stereotype that does not mean that all of them do!

    If we are to have any legitimacy in our fight against denegration by a system that tries to label us in such a manner, then we must raise ourselves, our standards, and our opinions, above those of the enemy we face.

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