Atos/WCA documentary's

Did anyone see the dispatches or panorama documentaries last week?

Very interesting to see Atos & DWP lies exposed, its a shame that most people won't care and allow Chris "Mengele" Grayling to get away with it.

  • To clarify my view.

    If Atos staff are medically trained (I'm not being derrogatory (SP), but I believe they are typicall a lot are people with higher qualifications but not a high grade and therefore find it difficult to penetrate the NHS/Bupa and the likes.) they have a duty of care to patients & clients. If they put the health of someone at risk, technically they can be stripped of professional registration if they knowingly done so. Therefore anyone wanting to work in a medical/caring feild should be wary of this.

    The initial Atos staff probably walked into this situation blindly. However I can't fathom why anyone walks into this situation knowing all that as gone on. There are other ocupations. Why don't they go on strike or challenge the DWP like the BMA has done? I hate "yes people", I get in situations at work were I say no to things becasue they are not always ethical or could danger someone. Saying "yes" to things you don't believe in is kind of symbolic of humanities failing's.

    The goverment is using collective responsibilty in a similar fashion to what the Nazi's did. One dissents, ten are punished, "were in this together". Also rumors are abound of failing people medicals on incapacity benifit to fast track their migration to ESA if they win at appeal (as you cant re-claim incapacity). 

    Grumble, grumble.

  • To clarify my view.

    If Atos staff are medically trained (I'm not being derrogatory (SP), but I believe they are typicall a lot are people with higher qualifications but not a high grade and therefore find it difficult to penetrate the NHS/Bupa and the likes.) they have a duty of care to patients & clients. If they put the health of someone at risk, technically they can be stripped of professional registration if they knowingly done so. Therefore anyone wanting to work in a medical/caring feild should be wary of this.

    The initial Atos staff probably walked into this situation blindly. However I can't fathom why anyone walks into this situation knowing all that as gone on. There are other ocupations. Why don't they go on strike or challenge the DWP like the BMA has done? I hate "yes people", I get in situations at work were I say no to things becasue they are not always ethical or could danger someone. Saying "yes" to things you don't believe in is kind of symbolic of humanities failing's.

    The goverment is using collective responsibilty in a similar fashion to what the Nazi's did. One dissents, ten are punished, "were in this together". Also rumors are abound of failing people medicals on incapacity benifit to fast track their migration to ESA if they win at appeal (as you cant re-claim incapacity). 

    Grumble, grumble.

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