Atos/WCA documentary's

Did anyone see the dispatches or panorama documentaries last week?

Very interesting to see Atos & DWP lies exposed, its a shame that most people won't care and allow Chris "Mengele" Grayling to get away with it.

  • My GF is BiPolar II and had one a few years ago. I have to say she got through the interview ok, but I think only because she was playing with razor blades around that time. Playing with razor blades is one of the least serious things that effects her, but it shocks people. Medication hangover's, going on a total downer or hyper without meds etc, anxiety and such. The chap doing the interview was very stringent, I asked him how every question affected the assesment on her behalf and was generally agressive towards him. I asked him his name, I documented it and took notes on him. I feel if someone else didn't have that support it would have been a different story.

    I believe rather than killing the sick in a concentration camp a concious effort is being made to devalue them. I think deliberate bullying tactics are used to scare people making false claims (less than 0.5%) and make people feel guilty for claiming even tho they are entitled to do so. I think they hope a portion of the clients kill themselves, and the massive majority will feel so humiliated they will not appeal. 

    There has got to be method in the madness, if a public service was delivered this poorly (i.e. Olympic Security) there would be a parlimentary outcry. This just keeps getting swetp under the carpet. A minister has to take responsibility, yet won't.

  • My GF is BiPolar II and had one a few years ago. I have to say she got through the interview ok, but I think only because she was playing with razor blades around that time. Playing with razor blades is one of the least serious things that effects her, but it shocks people. Medication hangover's, going on a total downer or hyper without meds etc, anxiety and such. The chap doing the interview was very stringent, I asked him how every question affected the assesment on her behalf and was generally agressive towards him. I asked him his name, I documented it and took notes on him. I feel if someone else didn't have that support it would have been a different story.

    I believe rather than killing the sick in a concentration camp a concious effort is being made to devalue them. I think deliberate bullying tactics are used to scare people making false claims (less than 0.5%) and make people feel guilty for claiming even tho they are entitled to do so. I think they hope a portion of the clients kill themselves, and the massive majority will feel so humiliated they will not appeal. 

    There has got to be method in the madness, if a public service was delivered this poorly (i.e. Olympic Security) there would be a parlimentary outcry. This just keeps getting swetp under the carpet. A minister has to take responsibility, yet won't.

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