Atos/WCA documentary's

Did anyone see the dispatches or panorama documentaries last week?

Very interesting to see Atos & DWP lies exposed, its a shame that most people won't care and allow Chris "Mengele" Grayling to get away with it.

  • Scorpion0x17 said:

    I have now watched the Panorama, and, like some one, having been through the ESA claim and WCA 'interview' process, I was not at all surprised by any of it.

    And it just confirmed my belief that you can't entirely trust anyone or anyone's story.

    I mean when the politicians say one thing, the DWP another, and Atos yet another, who are you meant to believe?

    Is any version of 'the truth' actually true?

    in the end scorpion they all want the same thing, more money in their pockets thats the only "truth" they care about

    i think you cant believe any of them, you just meet the critera of 'points' (because thats how we know how much help a person needs isnt it Sealed) so its not about 'truth' or what your illness/disability really is or how it affects you,

    its literally about points and i think that says it all

    right now people on benefits is still being used as a scapegoat (along with a few others) for the government to explain away all the money that britain has lost, when that calms down it will hopefully become a fairer system

  • Scorpion0x17 said:

    I have now watched the Panorama, and, like some one, having been through the ESA claim and WCA 'interview' process, I was not at all surprised by any of it.

    And it just confirmed my belief that you can't entirely trust anyone or anyone's story.

    I mean when the politicians say one thing, the DWP another, and Atos yet another, who are you meant to believe?

    Is any version of 'the truth' actually true?

    in the end scorpion they all want the same thing, more money in their pockets thats the only "truth" they care about

    i think you cant believe any of them, you just meet the critera of 'points' (because thats how we know how much help a person needs isnt it Sealed) so its not about 'truth' or what your illness/disability really is or how it affects you,

    its literally about points and i think that says it all

    right now people on benefits is still being used as a scapegoat (along with a few others) for the government to explain away all the money that britain has lost, when that calms down it will hopefully become a fairer system

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