Newly diagnosed 13 year old

Good morning all

This is my first time posting.  I am a mummy of a 13 year old boy who has just (3 days ago) been diagnosed with Aspergers.  Although I have always known there was some kind of diagnosis there, I am in shock a bit and reeling from this.  I have been reading up and there is a lot of stuff around stress during pregnancy being a potential cause.  I was incredibly stressed during my pregnancy with my son.  My mum had dementia and I was dealing with that, supporting my dad, and looking after another son.  Basically during this period my mum was sectioned and put in to a mental home, broke her leg, and I found out my dad was having an affair.  It was an awful time of prolonged stress and now I cant help blaming myself for my son.  I am feeling very guilty and lost. I feel like I have been dropped in to a hole.  I dont know how to best help him, or where to turn.  Sorry my first post is such a negative one.  Just feel a bit lost I guess. 

  • You're not to blame for your son's Asperger's. I know they say stress during pregnancy gives rise to the baby going depressed or mentally sick in another way as well.

    I was very depressed while pregnant and now have a 14 month old who shows zero signs of depression. Actually she is ridiculously happy.

    She'll probably be diagnosed with ASD though, seeing me and her dad :-) And as @Graham says, that idea was proven wrong almost as soon as the 'cold mother' theory was invented.

  • Thank you for replying 

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