A meeting

The taxi driver on my journey back from the hospital today talked constantly. He told me all about raising the money to buy his new car. He explained why his wife likes to take a weeks holiday alone from time to time. I learned quite a lot about his neck and back pains. I think he was possibly autistic but unlike me he was outgoing and confident. When we reached our destination he shook my hand and said it was a pleasure to meet me. That was when I realised that he had probably figured out that I was autistic too. I might have misjudged the situation. I haven't met many other autistic people. He was hard work to tell you the truth but it was a pleasure to meet him too.  Slight smile

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  • When I decided to disclose my diagnosis to my circle of friends, it turned out that I already knew two autistic people, one of whom I'd known for well over 20 years. All three of us had been diagnosed within a year or two of each other, and none of us had the faintest suspicion that we had anything particularly unusual in common until I decided to tell. Between us, we're a perfect example of how diverse autistic people are, each very different to the others, which is probably why we never guessed.

    Since then, I've come to realise that at least a couple of other people I know are very likely on the spectrum. It took me a while to figure out, but it dawned on me that whenever I described any aspect of my autism to them, I didn't need to explain for hours because they just "got it" straight away. After realising this and talking some more about it, one of them is seeking a diagnosis. The other, who actually displays the most obvious autism signs of all, is curious, and has noticeably started opening conversations with me with; "Well, I'm not autistic, but...", and then goes on to describe in unmistakeable detail some autistic trait or other.

    The more I've thought about it, the more I realise that this isn't just some statistical fluke - the rest of our little social scene are all really open-minded, non-judgemental, forgiving people, so I think us autistic ones just gravitated to the same group because they're people who really do accept people for who they are.

    I count my lucky stars to be blessed with that. I'm not exactly super-sociable, but there is always someone there when I need it.