Funny word stuff

I love malapropisms: similar-sounding but incorrect words, which sometimes have a humorous effect.

Here are a couple of recent ones:

  • Viking Worrier Statue (Viking Warrior Statue) for sale on eBay 
  • Emotion Paint (Emulsion Paint) for sale on Marketplace 

Have you seen any funny word stuff? If so, do share!

  • I love anything like this.  I can think of a few pacific (!) ones...

    Stationary Shop (you mean one that doesn't move?)

    Complimentary gifts (gifts that tell you how nice your hair looks)

    I saw some graffiti on a wall once saying 'Skinheads are basted'  - to which someone had added 'Yes... but much nicer sauted'.

    Incidentally... today (if you leave off the first zero) is a palindromic date: 81118

  • Loving your 'pacific' examples! 

    So glad I know about today's date before it is over - being off work I hardly know which day of the week it is, let alone the date. 

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