Funny word stuff

I love malapropisms: similar-sounding but incorrect words, which sometimes have a humorous effect.

Here are a couple of recent ones:

  • Viking Worrier Statue (Viking Warrior Statue) for sale on eBay 
  • Emotion Paint (Emulsion Paint) for sale on Marketplace 

Have you seen any funny word stuff? If so, do share!

  • I love anything like this.  I can think of a few pacific (!) ones...

    Stationary Shop (you mean one that doesn't move?)

    Complimentary gifts (gifts that tell you how nice your hair looks)

    I saw some graffiti on a wall once saying 'Skinheads are basted'  - to which someone had added 'Yes... but much nicer sauted'.

    Incidentally... today (if you leave off the first zero) is a palindromic date: 81118

  • There's a joke about a little boy saying to his mum 'Don't ever take me to Thames Station.'  His mum asks why not.  He says 'Because in the Lord's Prayer, it says 'lead us not into Thames Station.'

    Then there's the old Dave Allen one.  He says when he was a kid, he was at a funeral for an uncle or someone.  And he felt sure, as they stood by the graveside, that the minister said 'In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and into the hole he goes.'

    I had some cod for dinner once, and it was horrible.  It was the piece of cod which passeth understanding.

  • There's a joke about a little boy saying to his mum 'Don't ever take me to Thames Station.'  His mum asks why not.  He says 'Because in the Lord's Prayer, it says 'lead us not into Thames Station.'

    Then there's the old Dave Allen one.  He says when he was a kid, he was at a funeral for an uncle or someone.  And he felt sure, as they stood by the graveside, that the minister said 'In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and into the hole he goes.'

    I had some cod for dinner once, and it was horrible.  It was the piece of cod which passeth understanding.

  • There are various versions of the 'London Prayer' which go something like:

    Our Farndon
    Which aren't in Hendon
    Harrow be thy name
    Thy Kensington
    Thy Wimbledon
    In Erith, as it is in Croydon
    Give us this day our Leatherhead
    And forgive us our by-passes
    As we forgive those who by-pass against us
    And lead us not in to Thames Ditton
    For thine is the Kingston
    The Tower and the Purley
    For Esher and Esher
    Big Ben

  • These are great! 

    I loved the bit in Good Girl where the shop assistant says "F*** you" instead of "Thank you" to the customer.