Question(s) About How does Copyrighting Work Upon This Forum And/Or The WWW In General?

Greetings, anyone, from me. I am (supposed to be) an Artist/Writer/Designer or whatnot... But I am perhaps 'Internet Autistic' - and I have *Justified* Paranoia!...

The Question is: If an "original work' is Posted in this Forum or upon the Internet in General... Where does the Copyright go? Who has it? What stops anyone from altering the Work and claiming it as theirs? I know how to Program/Hack a little - what stops other people from stealing the Work that way? Pictures/Poems/Stories or anything Posted here in NAS --- We (most of us) use Aliases, so who has the copyright??

*Ahem*... by way of a Test (or excuse), here is an original POEM which I myself only just made up today. How is this Copyright Protected then, is what I am asking! Thanks, anyone (who is not hostile)!

TITLE: Just One Opinion As A Poem About Poetry (If that is okay).

A Poem, to me, should involve much Rhyme;
If rhyme is hard to find then take some time;
To learn a lot of words or use a Dictionary,
And in doing so results are sometimes very...
Unpredictable! But also keep in mind a Rhythm;
That words work together, not to cause a division;
Keep a beat inside the head and go with the flow,
And vocabulary and rhythm should go and grow.
Should the sentence end with an uncommon word,
It involves more thought to keep things from absurd;
Like the finding the Rhyme for "Orange" and "Silver",
Discuss Sporanges and Blorenge, and Lambs called a Chilver...
Sacrifice style for content, or rhythm for meanings?
Follow where the words wind, along with our feelings...
...Always.      :-)

  • Techincally as it is your original work it is automatically copyright protected, but to deter other people from misuse it is customary to use the international copyright symbol below. People often use some form of copyright notice as well. Lots of information about this here:

    I find it fascinating! 

  • This Link is somewhat interesting. This part is what I am here focussed upon:

    "  5 - Using a pseudonym
    Although it may not be technically correct (it does not state the name of the legal entity that is the copyright owner), it is very common for an identifiable pseudonym or trading name to be used in the copyright notice to afford the copyright owner some degree of anonymity through obfuscation.  "

    ... E.G. - My Poem above is not "published" anywhere else. But of course my real Name is not "Disallowed Cynosure". This kind of protection is what I was wondering about.  (NAS Copyright, maybe?) I think Mr.Trainspotter explained, in that the entire business is very "woolly" (vague). 

    In a Court Of Law, I might prove that I was who I am here, via a Password/SignIn Confirmation, maybe...? But plagiarism/counterfeiting is an age old problem...


  • The thing is, even though you're publishing under a pseudonym, you as a person automatically have copyright over your poem anyway.

    Someone else trying to breach your copyright would need to demonstrate that the poem was in fact written by them. It doesn't actually matter whose name it's published under, it's still not them and it's still not their poem.

  • The thing is, even though you're publishing under a pseudonym, you as a person automatically have copyright over your poem anyway.

    Someone else trying to breach your copyright would need to demonstrate that the poem was in fact written by them. It doesn't actually matter whose name it's published under, it's still not them and it's still not their poem.

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