Childrens television programmes of the past

Being born in the fifties, and having my formative years in the sixties and seventies, I believe some of the best television programmes were those made for children. I am a great fan of programmes made for children, and even now think there is some quality work there.But some of the programmes of rhe past excelled in real quality.

For starting this thread I will include one or two of my favourites from the sixties to the eighties.

I will come back to this later with others, I think my avatar would indicate one of my favourites so that goes without saying, for the moment.

The Owl service, a programme made in the late sixties, a mystery about a tea service and the remote.locarion it was set in.

Follyfoot, with its theme tune about a farm for retired horses, the characer of Dora every lad in my year fell in love with

Children of the Stones, a very creepy tale set in Avebury, with similarities to the Wicker Man

The Witches and the Grinnygog, a tale of a gargoyle with a seemingly strange power.

Worzel Gummidge, with Jon Pertwee and Una Stubbs at their best.

Others to come, but opening up to reminiscences from other people.

  • Greetings, and More from myself.
    Animation: Hokey Wolf, Wally Gator, The New Schmoo, He-Man, She-Ra, BraveStarr, ThunderCats, Transformers, The Animals of Farthing Wood, Dogtanian and The Three Muskehounds, Around The World With Willy Fogg (Willy Fogg as a Lion). I never watched "Mysterious Cities Of Gold" because it went on far too looooooooong...
    For live Action: Woof!, The Goodies, RentaGhost, Metal Mickey, The Littlest Hobo, Blake's Seven, Sapphire And Steel. (To this day, I have no idea why I hated "Tomorrow People"...)
    There are some Adult programmes mentioned in this Thread, but to list all of them would chronicle more than Fifty Years...? (And I often think of starting a parallel Thread allowing *current* Television Programmes...)

    However, I shall sign off now, because it is Daylight, and also I do not want that scary "Vision On" Logo to spot me...(!)

  • However, I shall sign off now, because it is Daylight, and also I do not want that scary "Vision On" Logo to spot me...(!)

    You're not the only one DC, I got a bit weirded out by that logo too, still watched the program tho.

    Speaking of which does anyone remember Vision On had these crazy doorbell contraptions? They were a series of various electrical and mechanical triggers that linked up and eventually rang a doorbell at the start of the program, a different one each week. This would be in the late 60s or very early 70s. I've asked about these on vintage TV forums and nobody remembers them, but I loved anything gadgety even as a 4 or 5 year old.

  • To Jonesy... This is a daft reply, but I am grateful to hear that someone else also found this "thing" unsettling... Creeping Out at it even now, it is as if my childhood was scarred by it. (That and by watching Joe 90.) I also watched the programme, but ran away at the Logo, it would lie in wait in real Roads and jump up at real people, full orchestral background music... I recall the Theme Tune, and... and... Well, Thanks for sympathising, there...  Phew... Phobia Therapy finished, there, I hope... (!)

  • To Jonesy... This is a daft reply, but I am grateful to hear that someone else also found this "thing" unsettling... Creeping Out at it even now, it is as if my childhood was scarred by it. (That and by watching Joe 90.) I also watched the programme, but ran away at the Logo, it would lie in wait in real Roads and jump up at real people, full orchestral background music... I recall the Theme Tune, and... and... Well, Thanks for sympathising, there...  Phew... Phobia Therapy finished, there, I hope... (!)

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