Characters that are not specified as on the spectrum but probably are. Discuss.

We watch our films, TV shows and read our books. Some might listen to radio plays, play video games or indulge in other forms of entertainment.

There was a thread the other day where someone mentioned Melvin Udell from As Good as it Gets may be on the spectrum.

So in this thread we discuss characters that have never been expressly named as being Autistic but more than likely are in our opinion.

I'll start. The Driver from Drive. He has a specific interest, cars and driving them. Doesn't seem keen on physical contact. Seems awkward around other people. Doesn't make friends easily but when he does he is very loyal. Lots of other hints there imo.

Cadet Sylvia Tilly from Star Trek Discovery. She has lots of traits, extroverted for sure but very direct (awkwardly though) and was introduced as someone who had lots of aversions to fabrics and materials. Has her own quarters because she was deemed to have "special needs". Was clearly bothered when someone slept in her bed even though both beds were identical. Was fast tracked because of her aptitude in specific things but is inept at others, sometimes. I was pretty disappointed when they toned it down in the second half of the series. I was enjoying watching the way the character was sort of Aspie. I found her relatable.

So has anyone else seen a character they have an idea about?

  • I think maybe Forrest Gump is autistic. He shows various traits, taking things literally and misunderstanding irony and sarcasm. He can be obsessive, such as when he takes up running, and after running across America twice (and unintentionally acquiring a group of followers along the way) simply stops and says "I'm tired now, I think I'll go home." While in the army, he breaks the platoon record for reassembling a gun, and when asked by the sergeant how he did it so quickly, simply says , "You told me to."

  • Greetings, to Miss 'Flo. Forrest Gump, I think, was written at a time when "Hollywood" was beginning to realise/accept "Autism", thus you are likely correct: The most famous (and declared) example of Autism back then is certainly Dustin Hoffman's character in "Rain Man". But Forrest Gump is not much specified to be Autistic, despite his acting like the StereoType. In movies and popular culture, I do not think that NTs could tell the difference. There is also one in the TV series "Quantum Leap", but this is a lot less well known.

    P.S. - You know what I am going to say, lastly... (!)  Your Icon is a Pokemon STARMIE! Yayyy! Yippeee!    ;-)

  • The episode where the he works at the docks and they want to take him into a hospital. Yeah, Michael Madsen is a ***! Quantum Leap needs a revival. Great concept but who could play Al! Hard act to follow!

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