About the Cookies

Have you noticed that websites often ask for a permission to run cookies?

For example, here.

However, often they only give the option to allow the cookies, but the "No" is not available and the banner cannot be removed any other way than saying "Yes".

So, effectively, pushing people to accept the cookies.

I find this so frustrating.

Do you have the same problem?

  • Most i use offer Accept or Settings.  I use ublock origin, noscript and whatever is built into firefox.  i also only allow first party cookies.  No 3rd party are allowed.  I also have it set to delete cache and cookies when I close the browser.  I tend to accept all, knowing that all im accepting anyway is first party cookies that the site requires, the rest are blocked by ublock and my cookie/tracking settings.

    If you are really security conscious, use a VPN.  Routing all your comms through another server makes tracking through connection irrelevant and thwarts most anaysis companies.  Even tunneling through a cheap VPS located somewhere abroad will work.  You can get such servers for about £10/year if you look at lowendbox.com and they can also be used to host a website, host a messenger server like XMPP or IRC or you could even use it to learn Linux.  If you wan to go more advanced host a VPN on a VPS, its not massively hard to setup and lots of guides exist online to do it, you want the ones on OpenVPN if you were doing it.

    VPNs can be had for about £40 for a year or so.  I find VPNs most useful if you are travelling abroad and using shady wifi at hotels/hostels or even in towns and cities.  It just gives you an extra layer of protection from snooping eyes.  You are creating an encrypted tunnel at the device, if any data is being captured, they get gobledygook that is unlikely to be breakable.

  • Most i use offer Accept or Settings.  I use ublock origin, noscript and whatever is built into firefox.  i also only allow first party cookies.  No 3rd party are allowed.  I also have it set to delete cache and cookies when I close the browser.  I tend to accept all, knowing that all im accepting anyway is first party cookies that the site requires, the rest are blocked by ublock and my cookie/tracking settings.

    If you are really security conscious, use a VPN.  Routing all your comms through another server makes tracking through connection irrelevant and thwarts most anaysis companies.  Even tunneling through a cheap VPS located somewhere abroad will work.  You can get such servers for about £10/year if you look at lowendbox.com and they can also be used to host a website, host a messenger server like XMPP or IRC or you could even use it to learn Linux.  If you wan to go more advanced host a VPN on a VPS, its not massively hard to setup and lots of guides exist online to do it, you want the ones on OpenVPN if you were doing it.

    VPNs can be had for about £40 for a year or so.  I find VPNs most useful if you are travelling abroad and using shady wifi at hotels/hostels or even in towns and cities.  It just gives you an extra layer of protection from snooping eyes.  You are creating an encrypted tunnel at the device, if any data is being captured, they get gobledygook that is unlikely to be breakable.

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