Photo diary

Today on my walks I ended up in the village of Addingham.  A small prosperous place with a shop, several pubs and plenty of traditional cottages and posh new housing estates.

Cottages with what looks like a traditional telephone box.

But it is in fact one of the new free libraries that are springing up.  Where you can take a book and leave your own books 

The village church of course.

One of the people I spoke with.

Parks and cottages.

On the way home on this humid day, I took a bus which was full of people and it stank like a public toilet.

  • Tomorrow it's back to work.  So I went walking today.

    Not a good walk because I've been watching my entire DVD collection of Grimm, a fantasy/horror with lots of grizzly murders in the woods and these woods reminded me of it !!!

    First I was following something called the EBOR way?

    Then the dales way link.

    It's all decisions decisions.  Which path to take. 

    Next time I will try one of the other ones.

    Now the scary woods.


  • You again...!   :-)

    Have a go at that, Good Sir. Or just type EBOR WAY into any WebBrowser...

    As to "Scary Woods"... Not at all scary for myself. A relief from crowds and Tarmacadam, for me. If uncertain, then stop and listen: Use Hearing and Smell as much as Eyesight. That is reassurance to know where is safe to go or not (what is "scary"/"unknown".) No matter how long it takes, stop and listen, and take in the air. Step off the path if safe to do so. Humans (here) always make noise and are clumsy and smash things and twigs and drop litter...

    Also, wear Jeans, not trousers, since Thorns and Stinging Nettles are less able to go through Denim...

    A little "moaning" from me (although this begs a Wildlife Thread again.): WoodPigeons are THE noisest birds in existence. They think that no-one hears or sees them, but they are wrong! If you hear a faint "crashing" sound in a Wood, it may be a Blackbird, but WoodPigeons stomp around and stare and then fly away with a massive clapping noise! I always calm myself by thinking of just how TASTEY the thing might have been, had I caught it...

    Good Fortune to You, as always (!)...

  • I still have anxiety issues and panic attacks when traveling alone.

    A few times I've been walking in a group with the ramblers association.  But they are very fit and it's difficult to keep up.

    Walking alone allows me to go at my own pace and choose my own path.  But sometimes I follow a path that just tapers off into nothing and I find myself in dense undergrowth and I have to do a U turn.

    At other times I get panic attacks about my safety.  Worried about attacks from dogs or other people.  Or I just feel lost and afraid to go forward.  Again a U turn.  

    A few weeks later I find myself approaching the same place from a different direction and I realise that there was nothing to be afraid of.

  • Thank you.

    Today I'm in the market town of Skipton and it's market day.  And we have a clear sunny day. With plenty of visitors & tourists in the town.

    I've just visited Rackems ( a house of Fraser store).  Even at sale prices I'm horrified.  Shoes I was looking at ( was £100, now only £60,. I'm only prepared to pay £10).

  • Thank you.

    Today I'm in the market town of Skipton and it's market day.  And we have a clear sunny day. With plenty of visitors & tourists in the town.

    I've just visited Rackems ( a house of Fraser store).  Even at sale prices I'm horrified.  Shoes I was looking at ( was £100, now only £60,. I'm only prepared to pay £10).

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