Photo diary

Today on my walks I ended up in the village of Addingham.  A small prosperous place with a shop, several pubs and plenty of traditional cottages and posh new housing estates.

Cottages with what looks like a traditional telephone box.

But it is in fact one of the new free libraries that are springing up.  Where you can take a book and leave your own books 

The village church of course.

One of the people I spoke with.

Parks and cottages.

On the way home on this humid day, I took a bus which was full of people and it stank like a public toilet.

  • Sunday afternoon and I'm off on my walks again.  A lot going on.  First I visited a fete in a very posh district with millionaire homes.

    Nice house if one can afford it.

    A lot going on at the fete.  People dressed up.

    Archery event.  Something i always wanted to try.

    Also barbeques, bouncy castles etc etc.

    I also visited the exclusive members only sports and social club in whose grounds the event was being held.  I had a good nose around the place.  This is significant for me because until a few years ago I had such anxiety problems that I was unable to even walk into ordinary pubs.  I suffered several panic attacks.

    Then a long walk through the woods until I heard music.  I followed the sound and came across another event in a park.  A traditional Yorkshire brass band.

    And another little free library.

    I ended my trip by visiting a small local funfair in a local park.

  • What a grand day out!

    It's good to hear about you overcoming your social anxiety. I would find an event like the fete rather daunting if I were on my own, though if I'm with a friend, I can quite enjoy a nice little outdoor event like that.

    I am rather partial to a brass band whenever I stumble across one, though. I used to play trombone back in my childhood, but nowhere near well enough for a good Yorkshire brass band. The famous Black *** Mill band are based not far from here, and I can sometimes hear their youth band practising when I'm out walking. There's also a guy at one of the farms near here that likes to go out on warm summer evenings to play his bagpipes. He's a rather good piper, too, but I can only stand bagpipes for so long before the drone pipes start getting on my nerves!

  • Ah. I forgot.  The brass band I was talking about has a totally innocent name based on a local landscape feature.

    Which is, rather unfortunately, the same as a politically incorrect word, which the forum has censored.

     This is the band that I was talking about (link).

    It isn't the first time this has happened. I have heard that they've had bother from venues when they're touring because of people thinking the name is deliberately provocative. Their renown as a brass band is beyond question, however!

  • Ah. I forgot.  The brass band I was talking about has a totally innocent name based on a local landscape feature.

    Which is, rather unfortunately, the same as a politically incorrect word, which the forum has censored.

     This is the band that I was talking about (link).

    It isn't the first time this has happened. I have heard that they've had bother from venues when they're touring because of people thinking the name is deliberately provocative. Their renown as a brass band is beyond question, however!
