Photo diary

Today on my walks I ended up in the village of Addingham.  A small prosperous place with a shop, several pubs and plenty of traditional cottages and posh new housing estates.

Cottages with what looks like a traditional telephone box.

But it is in fact one of the new free libraries that are springing up.  Where you can take a book and leave your own books 

The village church of course.

One of the people I spoke with.

Parks and cottages.

On the way home on this humid day, I took a bus which was full of people and it stank like a public toilet.

  • Today, quite unexpectedly I came across the Otley carnival.

    The wicker musicians.

    The traditional folk singers.

    The ancient Egyptians

    The dragons

    The superheroes

    And finally the cheerleaders.

  • Today, quite unexpectedly I came across the Otley carnival.

    ...More irritating when such things happen with an SD Card low in memory, maybe...    ;-)

    When parading as a "Dragon", cover yourself, unless the Dragon Parade is instead concerning what the Dragon may have eaten?...

    If they have a "Local Magazine", then these Photographs would be close contender for winning any competition... Y'know.

    Apart from all of that, well, I obviously have nothing at all to say... apart from pressing the Upvote and saying "Great Photos, Thanks"...(!)

  • Today, quite unexpectedly I came across the Otley carnival.

    ...More irritating when such things happen with an SD Card low in memory, maybe...    ;-)

    When parading as a "Dragon", cover yourself, unless the Dragon Parade is instead concerning what the Dragon may have eaten?...

    If they have a "Local Magazine", then these Photographs would be close contender for winning any competition... Y'know.

    Apart from all of that, well, I obviously have nothing at all to say... apart from pressing the Upvote and saying "Great Photos, Thanks"...(!)

  • I will add more.  

    The first I heard of this parade was when the bus I was traveling on stopped early because the roads  ahead were closed off.  I only saw the rear end of the Otley carnival.   I should have made a video with full sound.

    The day before, Friday, was very different for me.  I didn't take any photos but I was stressed out at the bus travel!

    On Friday I travelled in the opposite direction, instead of going into the country and small towns & villages.  I went into the city.  And the CHAOS!

    On my first trip around lunchtime I was trying to get home, I was standing at a stop with around a dozen people, and our bus just sped past completely ignoring us.  Everyone in the queue was upset because the bus looked only half full.  We all waited 15min for the next one.

    Second trip, I made the mistake of travelling at a time with lots of school kids, shouting and swearing. A very loud environment.  

    I visited a very multicultural local area with good shopping.  The area is very deprived with poverty everywhere.  And it's been that way for as long as I can remember.   However in the last 15 years or so the area has actually improved.  The mass immigration of recent years has given the area much more colour and all the shops are open.

    It's just not very safe with ethnic gangs hanging around, groups of drunks sitting and drinking in street, prostitues where I didn't expect them.

    The bus home, again didn't stop.  The live bus times electronic display showed that it was due.  But it just drove past empty with an 'out of service' display .  Next bus in 30min.  So I took a different route.  Into the city centre and the Friday evening crowds.!!!!!