
I don't think I 'get' celebrity culture. 

I can think of some actors who are (fairly) consistently good at playing a diverse range of characters, if I hear they're in a movie I might consider watching it for that reason, but I don't think I'd be particularly interested in meeting them / having something signed by them / owning something they once did, or any of the other things I hear of people doing re. celebrities. Similarly singers / musicians, authors, scientists, or any others. 

I would be interested to speak to some authors about a book of theirs I might have read, or scientists about their work, but I think only if I happened to meet them. I cannot imagine travelling across the country specifically for that purpose! Most of the people I would REALLY like to talk to about their field of work are historical figures anyway. I just have no interest in them as generalised people, it's their work / whatever they're probably famous for, that I'd be interested to talk to them about and I can't understand why I would be interested in a 'selfie' with them! 

Do others here feel like that? 

I have met some famous people and ... they were just people, of course. With some, not all, it was a surprise to see them but I didn't think of stopping to chat with them or anything. Seeing them was an interesting aside to the day but I felt the exact same thing when I took my daughter to see 'Santa Claus'. I do admire certain people for the things they have done but, again, the same can be said for many of the people I see on a regular basis and they're not famous at all. I'd go to a concert to hear someone I admire but I wouldn't think to hang around after on the off chance I might see them - what for? It puzzles me.     

  • Have you ever had an interest in anything, something that you really enjoyed, such as collecting fossils or spotting trains or something?

    Maybe you haven’t and that’s why you don’t understand other people who do have a passion for something. I’m not sure how to explain it to somebody who hasn’t got any passions or interests beyond Father Christmas.

    It sounds like you have even less interest in people and that you have some notion that famous people are somehow different from non famous people. They are different for people who have a love of movies and that kind of thing but only because they relate to their passion. I meet so called famous people relatively regularly although I wouldn’t have a clue if they or someone else didn’t point it out to me as I don’t watch tv programs or movies and of course, when it is pointed out to be, it makes no difference because I still don’t know what they’re talking about! Lol! But I take people as I find them anyway.

    I suppose it’s called diversity and although the autistic population is considered to be diverse, often the thinking of the autistic person isn’t diverse.

    As I said, I think it’s difficult to explain what a passion or interest is to somebody who hasn’t got one. You might just have to accept that we’re not all the same, some people get great joy from their passions, hobby’s and interests and from meeting their hero’s, in fact I’m taking a friend to a concert tomorrow night and she’s totally excited about meeting the guys that she loves to listen to on her stereo or however she listens to them. She’s paid extra money so we can have a meet and greet ~ I’ll be in my wellies (of course) and my old clothes and I’ll be taking my book and phone with me because I have little interest in singers etc so I’ll need something to do while I’m there but she’s already planning what she’s wearing, she’ll be putting her make up on etc, she said she wants to look her best, especially for the photos that she’s paid for in advance! Which I find amusing to watch but she enjoys it so why not. She loves music and this is her favourite band and I think it’s only the second time they’ve been to the U.K., she roped me into going the first time as well but this time she’s upped the anti because the whole band is here, so we’ve got photo sessions with the guys and we get to spend a few hours with them before the gig starts. Not my idea of fun at all but I get pleasure out of watching my friend have such a good time. I think you have to have an open mind and see that we’re all different, we all like different things and one man’s poison is another man’s passion, as they say. Maybe you could work on acceoting yourself and once you achieved that, you would find you accept others naturally, you don’t have to work on it. It sounds like you’re not that interested in other people at all, even the ones who’s work you admire and that’s perfectly ok, just try and see that they’re just ordinary people getting on with their lives in a way that suits, excites, delights and interests them. I think it’s puzzling to you because you don’t have an interest and you have little to no inteterest in people. I wouldn’t worry about it, put it down to diversity.

    Sorry, just noticed, big chunky paragraphs again! Doh! I am working on it. 

  • The "big chunky paragraphs" don't bother me, the down arrow on my keyboard helps me skip by them in seconds when things inevitably become obtuse. Again. Enjoy working on it though!  

  • I enjoy everything I do because I only do what I love Sparkling heart 

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