~ Photography And Pictures ... (And Pictures Disappearing in this Forum?)

Glad Tidings to All. I have two good reasons to begin this Thread:

One is to discuss Photography in general. I myself am told that I am "good at it", yet I would not claim to be "Professional" at it.

I start this Thread a lot for the sake of Posting Pictures and discussing such things, if that is alright...?

My Second reason for beginning this Thread is... Pictures tend to "disappear" after a while upon this Forum...! And so this is attempt at a Thread specifically addressing Pictures Posted Here.

I shall start with at least one... of 'Interesting Cloud Formations Over Where I am' (In London): 

  • Talking of Dinosaurs, thought I'd add this one.  In the grounds of Crystal Palace are some Victorian examples of dinosaurs.  I remember seeing the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs when I was young in a book of London, and they were featured on an edition of Blue Peter when Christopher Trace was a presenter.  The pictures used to look so realistic to me.  How times have changed!

  • This is not meant to be just a gallery of my photographs.  So lets see some others, but I will keep posting to keep this thread alive!

  • Greetings TrainSpotter, I was unable to log on last night, due to Personal Circumstances. (If they happen again I shall specify someplace. :-( )... Yet what I wanted to say was...

    I do wonder if there are not that many Photographers in this whole Forum apart from yourself and Mr. Robert123... Anyone else may be semi-professional, like myself, and others may be willing yet upon seeing what is Posted so far, a little unwilling, sort of...

    To reply to your Dinosaurs Picture, I shall post this:

    The entrance Lobby of London's Natural History Museum, when the Diplodocus Skeleton ("Dippy") was still present. Now it is a Whale, yet I have not visited since then.

    With regards to my own pictures, I have either Thames Tall Ships Festival, or a tour of NHM Dinosaurs (almost 10 years ago!). I began this Thread to attract Pictures, and yet, well... we see how many other persons are and are not contributing...? I do not know what to do about other people. (And in the Summer I may not be here at all.)

    Here is an Iguanodon Skeleton. The lighting is not optimal, and it is difficult to get into position for good lighting (because I do not work for the NHM)!:

  • Greetings to TrainSpotter. Of course I understand what you say (including the "Alice" quote.)... I shall somewhat finalise what I said. The subject does not matter - here - yes, that is true.

    ...Yet some may be a little reluctant to Post, or are technically unable.(They cannot shrink Picture Size to less than 800x800 Pixels, or cannot "Flatten", or convert to JPEG... or even know what any of that sort of thing means...?)

    ...In this Forum, Pictures of people are not really allowed. (Most of my own pictures are of people who stalk or harrass me, see my UserName.)

    ...Although I began this Thread, I am in support of the general thought that it features only pictures taken by oneself...? (A reply from NAS would be nice, here, yet, well, it is the weekend, now...)

    To close this Post: it is *not* meant as hostile or a complaint. I was just pointing out somethings... thus here as if in peace offering (!), is another NHM Picture. A Gallimimus Skeleton.:

  • Greetings to TrainSpotter. Of course I understand what you say (including the "Alice" quote.)... I shall somewhat finalise what I said. The subject does not matter - here - yes, that is true.

    ...Yet some may be a little reluctant to Post, or are technically unable.(They cannot shrink Picture Size to less than 800x800 Pixels, or cannot "Flatten", or convert to JPEG... or even know what any of that sort of thing means...?)

    ...In this Forum, Pictures of people are not really allowed. (Most of my own pictures are of people who stalk or harrass me, see my UserName.)

    ...Although I began this Thread, I am in support of the general thought that it features only pictures taken by oneself...? (A reply from NAS would be nice, here, yet, well, it is the weekend, now...)

    To close this Post: it is *not* meant as hostile or a complaint. I was just pointing out somethings... thus here as if in peace offering (!), is another NHM Picture. A Gallimimus Skeleton.:

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