~ Photography And Pictures ... (And Pictures Disappearing in this Forum?)

Glad Tidings to All. I have two good reasons to begin this Thread:

One is to discuss Photography in general. I myself am told that I am "good at it", yet I would not claim to be "Professional" at it.

I start this Thread a lot for the sake of Posting Pictures and discussing such things, if that is alright...?

My Second reason for beginning this Thread is... Pictures tend to "disappear" after a while upon this Forum...! And so this is attempt at a Thread specifically addressing Pictures Posted Here.

I shall start with at least one... of 'Interesting Cloud Formations Over Where I am' (In London): 

  • I'll keep the pictures coming .... take one a day before bedtime!

    so todays picture is Instruments of Maths Instruciton, another one of cross polarisation taken with a cheap Fuji Compact Camera.

  • Thanks, I should Post, although it seems that not many other persons are Posting to this Thread...

    Given opportunity, I ask again if you may have any pictures of Wild-Living Parakeets? 

    Yet, concerning this "Cross Polarisation" Business, I may know something or nothing about "Polarisation": Is it possible to take a picture of a bag of Sugar, (mostly Levulose) and then Dextrose (E.g. Tablets) in this manner? Also is it possible to Photograph in this manner, a living thing, such as a Leaf still attatched to the Tree, and then a dead thing such as a leaf or a picked flower? Also, using Polarised Photography, it is possible to photograph the Sky, and there should be a dark Blue band visible which indicates the Time/position of the Sun. That is what I myself know about "Polarising Photography". No joke.

    Thank You anyway (Ending Post because it may become long).

  • Not got a picture of 'wild' parakeets, none round where I live and they have been a bit fast in my travels to the sunny south!

    Cross polarisation is a polarised light source shone through a transparent object and photographed through a polarised filter.

    If you have some polarising sunglasses (or a polarising filter, quite cheap from Amazon or 7 day shop, if you look through them at your computer screen and rotate the sunglasses the computer screen will turn black.  If you put some clear plastic between the computer and the sunglasses and have a look while you rotate the sunglasses you will see the stress patterns on the plastic.  You can also try things like fruit gums, they won't show up stress patterns but their colours will be rich and saturated if the computer screen is bright enough to shine through and the background light will turn black.

    Using Polarising filters on your camera will turn the sky darker opposite the sun.  If you use the 'rule of thumb' by extending your thumb and forefinger and standing with your back to the sun, point your thumb at the sun and the darkest bit of scky will be where your forefinger is pointing in a slight arc but you will get the idea.

    Hope this is illuminating!

  • Cross polarisation is a polarised light source shone through a transparent object and photographed through a polarised filter

    Okay, got it. Thank You for that Reply. I do not know what else to say about it, and so that is all I think. I reeeally wanted a Wild Parakeet picture ( not from the general Internet)... I suppose I mught have to try to take it for myself! They are fast, and noisy. And Cute.

    I shall have to Post some more of my own pictures here sometime, yet mostly what I have is Tall Ships Festival and Natural History Museum Dinosaur Exhibits. Thanks muchly again.

  • Cross polarisation is a polarised light source shone through a transparent object and photographed through a polarised filter

    Okay, got it. Thank You for that Reply. I do not know what else to say about it, and so that is all I think. I reeeally wanted a Wild Parakeet picture ( not from the general Internet)... I suppose I mught have to try to take it for myself! They are fast, and noisy. And Cute.

    I shall have to Post some more of my own pictures here sometime, yet mostly what I have is Tall Ships Festival and Natural History Museum Dinosaur Exhibits. Thanks muchly again.

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