~ Photography And Pictures ... (And Pictures Disappearing in this Forum?)

Glad Tidings to All. I have two good reasons to begin this Thread:

One is to discuss Photography in general. I myself am told that I am "good at it", yet I would not claim to be "Professional" at it.

I start this Thread a lot for the sake of Posting Pictures and discussing such things, if that is alright...?

My Second reason for beginning this Thread is... Pictures tend to "disappear" after a while upon this Forum...! And so this is attempt at a Thread specifically addressing Pictures Posted Here.

I shall start with at least one... of 'Interesting Cloud Formations Over Where I am' (In London): 

Parents Reply
  • I prefer pic.2 as it looks peaceful and sleepy with the calm water in the foreground. It looks quiet.

    Pic. 1 just makes me think of all of the hundreds (thousands?) of PEOPLE there must be behind all of those windows, windows, windows! Cities creep me out a little bit in the daytime but I like when they go to sleep. 

  • :-D

    Thanks...! Note again that I said that they were the same picture... I personally Tiltle that Picture: "This Is Where Most Taxes Go", since it is a Picture of Canary Wharf (Another Tall Ships Picture, actually...)

    Here are Two more, with a Ship sailing past that same place...