
We so rarely get it in my corner of south-east England.  This morning, we've a real blizzard!  I can't go to work because the day centre's shut with the weather.

So... I've been out and taken some photos...

  • Today was a complete snowy disaster.

    I had an appointment at a debt advice centre.  I rang a couple of hours before the appointment to check if they were opened.  All I got was a standard answerphone greeting inviting me to leave a message after the tone.

    I decided to go.  Struggling through snow and freezing wind, I arrived to find this:

    The shutters up and nobody there.

    I went home in despair.  Half way through the return journey I read through the letter and directions carefully.  And I realised that I had gone to the wrong place. The actual appointment was in a office a few minutes down the same road.

    I hurried back and found the actual place I should have visited.

    This was shut as well with metal shilutters down and a hand written notice saying it was closed due to the weather.

    I Finally arrived home, half frozen to death.

  • I trust you’ve warmed up now Robert following your very conscientious attempt to arrive in time for your appointment. Well, I don’t think it was an attempt was it, more like a success. Good job. I’ve been cleaning my son and daughter in laws kitchen today, it was one of my favourite things to do when I was a kid, so it was really nice. I also made them stew and dumplings in their slow cooker so they had a nice hot meal to eat when they got home as well. So my hands are raw from bleach, but I’m happy, they’re happy and now I’m having a bit of me time :-) 

  • I trust you’ve warmed up now Robert following your very conscientious attempt to arrive in time for your appointment. Well, I don’t think it was an attempt was it, more like a success. Good job. I’ve been cleaning my son and daughter in laws kitchen today, it was one of my favourite things to do when I was a kid, so it was really nice. I also made them stew and dumplings in their slow cooker so they had a nice hot meal to eat when they got home as well. So my hands are raw from bleach, but I’m happy, they’re happy and now I’m having a bit of me time :-) 

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