
We so rarely get it in my corner of south-east England.  This morning, we've a real blizzard!  I can't go to work because the day centre's shut with the weather.

So... I've been out and taken some photos...

  • Nice to see snow at the seaside.

    Here it's sunshine and showers.  I'm staying inside struggling to breath.

  • I’m assuming you’re still managing it? Breathing that is! I’m still in bed, watching the snow fall through my bedroom window. It’s beautiful. I don’t know if I’ll have the energy to go out in it, if not, I’ll continue to enjoy it from where I am. 

    By the way, you robbed me of a reply on the other thread. I had just finished my reply to you when it suddenly disappeared! Lol! It’s ok, you would of received my reply anyway, even if it didn’t get printed on the page. 

    Keep going. Breathing is one struggle you don’t want to give up on. Stay warm. 

  • Reply on other thread !!!

    I decided my post was Dizzy faceso I deleted it.

Reply Children
  • It was a great comment, I loved it. 

    Well done, you’ve done a lot more than me so far today. So far I haven’t got out of bed. My universal credit got paid a couple of days ago, I checked on line via my phone, it saves me going out. I’ve got some food in my house so if I do decide to eat, there is at least something, but either way, I won’t suffer malnutrition if I don’t eat today. I am thinking about paying my mobile phone bill, but as usual, I avoid this at all costs until they’re about to cut me off, then they phone me which saves me the job of having to call them to pay them. Actually, I can do that on line within the matter of a few clicks and without speaking to anybody, but I still avoid it. 

    The snow has stopped falling here and the sun is out and I am planning on washing my living room floor today and if I do that, I will be happy. I’m happy anyway but I will have achieved my daily goal of doing one thing a day to get my house back in order after 50 years of being undiagnosed and a year of burnout. In the mean time, I’m going to enjoy my gorgeous comfy warm bed until I feel the desire to move.