Mortgages and living alone

hi there, I've been avoiding debt like the plague because they whole system is tainted by greed and hate. I've managed to save a 50% deposit in the process but I'm starting to realise that I need a spending plan. I still currently live with my parents and was wondering how many of you have successfully achieved total independence by living on your own with a mortgage and a place of your own? Taking care of myself is hard work and admittedly I wash only once a week, rely heavily on convenience foods and rarely exercise. Would that all change if I had total control of my environment or is there a major flaw in that plan due to how the condition impacts living capacities?

  • It's hard to say as change is often based on the individual's motivation. I currently rent but am looking to but this year as I now have a deposit. I've found that cooking from scratch is a lot cheaper than buying convenience food so if you do need to start keeping an eye on your finances this may help. 

    Would you mind sharing why you think debt is based on hate as I'm struggling to understand your viewpoint? I get why you think its based on greed, however, I'm wanting to get into debt in relation to a mortgage as I'd like a future where I'm not always paying rent. Once my mortgage is paid off I won't have as many outgoings so will be able to reduce my hours at work and as such have a better work/life balance.

  • It's hard to say as change is often based on the individual's motivation. I currently rent but am looking to but this year as I now have a deposit. I've found that cooking from scratch is a lot cheaper than buying convenience food so if you do need to start keeping an eye on your finances this may help. 

    Would you mind sharing why you think debt is based on hate as I'm struggling to understand your viewpoint? I get why you think its based on greed, however, I'm wanting to get into debt in relation to a mortgage as I'd like a future where I'm not always paying rent. Once my mortgage is paid off I won't have as many outgoings so will be able to reduce my hours at work and as such have a better work/life balance.

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