Lent / New Years

Has anybody given anything up, or started something new, for Lent this year? 

I gave up sugary drinks and having always been a 'milk and two' person, the first couple of days were difficult, but I'm getting used to it :).

I don't want this to be exclusively religious so maybe if people have New Years resolutions they would be interesting too!

  • My new Year's resolution was to finally get some answers re. my health and in January I received my HFA diagnosis so, I guess, job done! I have the rest of the year to work out how to apply this new knowledge and make it a positive thing that works FOR me rather than against me. 

    My next resolution is to start the ECDL course so that, hopefully, I'll have the computer skills I need for whatever i choose my next step to be. (Finish my studies or apply the skills to a new job.) 

    I've never observed Lent before but I have been considering giving up coffee for good, does that count? (Or are you just supposed to give something up for the period of Lent itself?)   

  • Yours is a great example on how to stick to a resolution! I think its's just for the period of Lent, but lots of people use it as motivation to make some healthy life changes so giving up coffee for good definitely counts. I'll be happy if I can keep mine up after Easter.

  • Yours is a great example on how to stick to a resolution! I think its's just for the period of Lent, but lots of people use it as motivation to make some healthy life changes so giving up coffee for good definitely counts. I'll be happy if I can keep mine up after Easter.

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