I accept that this may be a "Bad" Topic, yet it needs to be highlighted, surely where "NAS" can *not* avoid seeing it, surely...

Current Problems with this Forum:
- Posts Disappear and Reappear at Random.
- Notifications are not always received (apparently).
- Editing Posts - *after* they have been replied to.
- Things such as "Groups" or "BlogPosts" or "Questions"... seem to have no meaning, and so they cannot be applied...?
(Anyone reading, you may currently check your own "Profile" to confirm this. Click upon your own "Achievements", and then upon "List of Possible Achievements".)
- ... There is a great list of "Achievements". Again, many of these have no defined meaning and so are un-achievable. (Linked to "Questions", "BlogPosts", "Ideas", "Status"...?)
- Assigning "Tags" to a New Thread seems to change constantly, and has neither Logical Order nor Meaning.

Here is the "Main" Thread, at which Comments directly to NAS are supposed to be Posted... yet much of it is completely ignored by NAS; It is only responded to by "WebPM", but for whom NAS would not have this "Forum" in the first place, I would wager...

  • An update regarding missing images. For the problem of images being posted and then disappearing afterwards, we believe that we have identified a software bug. This is fixed by a patch available from the suppliers. We are planning to apply the patch. That is designed to prevent any more images from vanishing. I do not yet have a time-scale for this, but obviously we will do it as soon as possible.

    We are trying to recover the images that are already missing. This may or may not be possible. I'll post updates when we have them. Apologies for any inconvenience or confusion that this has caused.

    I'll look separately at the notifications issue, not least because there is a thread for that.


    (Later edit: sorry, but we have been unable to recover the missing images. Our backups are designed to protect the messaging database in the first instance. This problem is rather untypical for a forum, and the affected images are also missing from our backups.)

  • Thank you for replying with good news, 

    sorry I came across so moody,

    Can I now suggest a new issue has arisen, although it doesn’t cause me any issues as such it may be an indication of the problems that  exhist and may cause issues with email notifications.

    If you go to the main forum page you will see many topics, some are new, if you look at the replies part and see six or whatever you may also see zero views,? So no views? Also some have twenty odd or so subscribers! But no views? 

    Pit msy not be related to email notifications but is still a malfunction.

    thank you for your continued vigilance and help in sorting out what sometimes are hard to see issues.


    views currently 740.

    replies currently 47,

    subscribers 20.

    and although I am here replying there are no members showing here, my light is also not lit as I type?

    Am I even here?

  • Ok been back to this page six times and the view figure hasn’t changed from 740.

    screen shot of main page, notice zero views but 17 replies on the SNOW  related thread.

  • A reply to myself to keep this towards the bottom of page, 

    the view count seems to be not working?

    As I said it may seem unimportant but the fact is has stopped shows there is a software issue!

    any issue can effect other things as in maybe notifications?

    This thread still says 740 views. The replies counter is still working as each time I post it goes up as I hit reply and refresh, so currently saying 66 replies, 


  • Still no e-mail notifications.

    Could someone look into this matter, please?

  • Thank you also.

    I forgot to say thank you for saying about the NAS33000, part of your reply.

    yes it makes perfect sense now that you mention it.

    Did you know that even though we have icon pictures for our profile pictures we do still have our original NAS number?

    Anyway it is 01:47am.. And so you must go!

    farewell until the next exchange which I As usual look forward to.

    much thanks, LW.







  • (Look at that. The "Quote" function worked well for a while, then stops again, now...)

    LoneWarrior Wrote:

    I have checked my pictures yet cannot see why I should be careful?

    I see nothing that may compromise my identity, 

    ....Very Good, Good Fortune to yourself, Sir! With regards to how I am feeling just now... past OneInTheMorning... But most of all, given all that has just been exchanged... CRICKEY. It is a bit much for myself... I might Sign Off, yet you shall know (!)...

    Currently Cannot think of much else to add... and am always Thanking You... if WebPM reads, then it is Disappearing Posts, Notifications, and while-typing-Replies-Disappearing... most highlighted here by myself. 

    I think that I myself would do best to sign out now... Thank You LoneWarrior again for all of this. And as was said... NAS *should* know, yet they did not seem to... やれやれ...

  • A very pleasant exchange,thank you.

    you “chat” well, 

    I have checked my pictures yet cannot see why I should be careful?

    I see nothing that may compromise my identity, 

    up above it clearly shows tabs for face book and my eBay summary. 

    If you can see something I have missed please tell me.

    By the way it still says 740 views Lol.

    Thank you for this pleasant exchange it cheers me up so much.


  • I already Posted a few seconds ago, yet in case it does not show (...) then I said that this is alright and Thank Very much

    ...Yes, yet ANOTHER new trouble to add! - I cannot believe it!

    During "live chat", if another person is posting, then another person posting may disappear! I had forgotten about that one - "Disappearing Replies", versus "Disappearing Replies as they are being typed up"...!

    To Mr.LoneWarrior... I understood, from your mentioning "presence tracking"... now I know. It IS my own fault - I am of the Paranoid sort, and so I never, ever select such a function wherever I am. Thank You Muchly for this exchange. And as I say... please always be very careful, yourself.

  • youvwill then see many options and if you look towards the bottom of the picture you will see” presence tracking, select that and green light will be on.

    I already Posted a few seconds ago, yet in case it does not show (...) then I said that this is alright and Thank Very much. I also said to check your pictures, and edit them in less of a haste. Another reply to follow (...!)

  • Already I can see I missed things out or didn’t explain fully, I only know so much wizardry , I tried to add between the pictures but it wouldn’t work, 

    please say if you do not understand as it isn’t a very good how to from me,


  • youvwill then see many options and if you look towards the bottom of the picture you will see” presence tracking, select that and green light will be on.

    Got it. No need to add more! Check your pictures, be careful.

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