Ripostes to NT comments ;)

Just a bit of fun...

"That's not being neurotypical.  Everyone's a bit stupid."

"You can't be neurotypical.  You don't have a job."

"What's your special talent?"

"But you don't look normal."

"Neurotypical people have no imagination... and you're no exception."

"I'm being serious.  Don't treat everything like a joke."

"But you have no sense of humour."

"Why aren't you doing it this way?"

"But you seem unfriendly enough."

"I haven't started speaking yet."

"My friend was neurotypical, but he managed to get over it eventually."

"Are you sure you're normal?"

  • In the interests of not allowing these forums to sink any further, and because I'm clearly not as kind, honest, helpful, caring and brilliant as I'm expected to be, I've decided to take my leave.

    Good luck, everyone.  It's been good to know you all.

    See you around.

  • If I've written anything to upset you. Then I apologise.

  • Not you, mate.  No need to apologise.  I apologise for dragging things into the gutter in this way.

  • I have not changed my user name but I have changed my picture, it depends on my state of mind, if I am feeling very low at rock bottom I may chose something black or just leave it blank,

    Changing or deleting ones name can often mean that person is feeling very-low, May need support, or is feeling hurt by the way they are being spoken about.

    A sudden change is never a good sign, it is good that friendly caring people understand and give help and support when it happens,

    I am sure Tom understands how little things can seem major when we are feeling very anxious or low.

  • I didn't know you could change your name on here? I guess the one I've chosen is as good as any though, I didn't really put much thought into it as I just wanted to get onto the forum. 

  • I can’t imagine why someone would change their name? Then delete It? And then reinstate It?

    maybe they do that as a call for help or understanding?

  • I know that you are joking... but knowing that is part of being ASD!

    Just before signing off, I should correct what I meant -seriously, still - ...was that knowing and/or being confused by joking... is a part of ASD. It does not matter what the jokes are about. Joking about NTs or ASDs is confusing to both, I should think. Yet this Thread, I say again, said that it was uncommon Joking about NTs, and, well, I am being serious upon it, and, so, well... at least I Posted what I did and that is that. Fair Play to all, here...!

  • Some people are apparently neurodiverse, so they don't get jokes.

    ... I think, given the Topic of this Thread, that you are still writing in a reversed-terms manner, and so ND means NT... and if my Post here (this one) is understood, then the original intent can only be carried so far and with regards to certain casual remarks it may be "backfiring"... or something. I know that you are joking... but knowing that is part of being ASD! And I *mean* ASD and not the reversed-terms I am saying here...

    Comedy Writing is a serious business - and that is not a joke! But I still like this Thread. Else I would not have Posted all of those Links there, to inform all who may read it that this sort of humour is not an isolated thing...

    Lastly... I hope my writing hasn't terminated this Thread. And I am not P*ssed, either... but I *will* be P*ssed-Off if I have Terminated a Thread yet again...(!)

Reply Children
  • I know that you are joking... but knowing that is part of being ASD!

    Just before signing off, I should correct what I meant -seriously, still - ...was that knowing and/or being confused by joking... is a part of ASD. It does not matter what the jokes are about. Joking about NTs or ASDs is confusing to both, I should think. Yet this Thread, I say again, said that it was uncommon Joking about NTs, and, well, I am being serious upon it, and, so, well... at least I Posted what I did and that is that. Fair Play to all, here...!

  • Some people are apparently neurodiverse, so they don't get jokes.

    ... I think, given the Topic of this Thread, that you are still writing in a reversed-terms manner, and so ND means NT... and if my Post here (this one) is understood, then the original intent can only be carried so far and with regards to certain casual remarks it may be "backfiring"... or something. I know that you are joking... but knowing that is part of being ASD! And I *mean* ASD and not the reversed-terms I am saying here...

    Comedy Writing is a serious business - and that is not a joke! But I still like this Thread. Else I would not have Posted all of those Links there, to inform all who may read it that this sort of humour is not an isolated thing...

    Lastly... I hope my writing hasn't terminated this Thread. And I am not P*ssed, either... but I *will* be P*ssed-Off if I have Terminated a Thread yet again...(!)