Ripostes to NT comments ;)

Just a bit of fun...

"That's not being neurotypical.  Everyone's a bit stupid."

"You can't be neurotypical.  You don't have a job."

"What's your special talent?"

"But you don't look normal."

"Neurotypical people have no imagination... and you're no exception."

"I'm being serious.  Don't treat everything like a joke."

"But you have no sense of humour."

"Why aren't you doing it this way?"

"But you seem unfriendly enough."

"I haven't started speaking yet."

"My friend was neurotypical, but he managed to get over it eventually."

"Are you sure you're normal?"


    Do you find it troublesome, having to maintain eye contact with your interlocutors?  The eyes are the windows of the soul, so by maintaining eye contact, you could be allowing unwarranted access your soul.

    Don't give away your soul.

    Look at their feet instead.

    Or at the wall, if the pattern is nice on the wallpaper.


    Do you find it troublesome, having to maintain eye contact with your interlocutors?  The eyes are the windows of the soul, so by maintaining eye contact, you could be allowing unwarranted access your soul.

    Don't give away your soul.

    Look at their feet instead.

    Or at the wall, if the pattern is nice on the wallpaper.

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