Community-Forums-Miscellaneous and Chat... General Chat/Random Topics. (Est. January 11th, 2018)

All Random persons are invited. This is a Thread for Random Topics or for Random Chat. Concerning Random Topics discussed at Random, in a Random Randomness.

Please note: Random Chat is optional, and is Randomly Random. However I am not NAS, and so cannot be held responsible for any excessive Randomness discussed at Random by Random Persons. And so Please try to remain politely Random, here, for Random Ladies may be present also.

You have been warned...!

  • Good Fortune to all who may read. It is me again, upon a Tuesday (15+1, 01,2018)... But I write this Post in a swift haste...!

    I HONESTLY did not see all of the "latest" Posts to this Thread until now - 19h (same day)! This Forum has, as I said elsewhere, gone absolutely bonkers (for some of us)... 

    The last Post I saw was from Mr.Lone (concerning showering), and I was "tidying up" a lot of my other Threads before checking again upon this one. Is anyone from NAS listening, I wonder...? 

  • When you say bonkers. 

    Do you mean the content ?


    Posts missing ?

    Or both ?


  • Um... Good Evening to you Mr.Mathematical-Robert... 

    The "complaints" about this trouble are spread out, and perhaps it is good to hear from someone who has not yet experienced it...? Yes I -we - mean *entire Posts going missing*, and then when accessing the same Thread, they may be back. If I can recall them, I shall Post Links to others upon other Threads who also mention this. Thank You for your Reply - yet it would be best for myself if others also Posted further validation after this Post...

  • A tear in my eye, and I will remember your glue picture every time I'm beating myself up ftom now on. We can be glue, we can be strong with each others help, or at least less hopeless. 

    You're priceless Lone.


  • Hey friend,,,you will get there,,,we all will, we stick together like glue.

    such kind words,they work both ways you know, 

    you take care of yourself, ok.


  • I care about you Lone, probably part of my DNA here because you appeared with Ellie, Misfit and I. Trying to fit in with my real life means I hide from here sometimes, I didn't realise how appropriate my name is when I chose it, I'm terrible for just disappearing and I don't mean to but when the stress levels get too high I vanish. 

    Sad part of that is that I'm still trying to fit in with what I now know is impossible, just to survive, feel much more at home here.

    Misfit nudged me in the direction of ADHD investigation and I too looked at screening documents. The results were all 'extremely likely' and I've found that harder to process than the ASD, maybe just because it's on top and autism is more than enough to get your head around. Sometimes feels like nothing is ever going to make sense.

    I hope you will know what I mean when I say I don't think I'm saying what I meant to..

    I really appreciate you being around and sharing your hard won experience, good and not so great. Can we live contentedly with our Nt families? My jury is out but I have mo children and am not married, so I guess it's different.

    My Photoshop ambitions are to turn my paintings into fabric designs, which like everything else I do is apparently really complicated, I'll win though, just like you will. Wishing you very well Mr Warrior. (and my other friends ot there).

    X ()x ()x ()x

  • I care about you Lone, probably part of my DNA here because you appeared with Ellie, Misfit and I. Trying to fit in with my real life means I hide from here sometimes, I didn't realise how appropriate my name is when I chose it, I'm terrible for just disappearing and I don't mean to but when the stress levels get too high I vanish. 

    Sad part of that is that I'm still trying to fit in with what I now know is impossible, just to survive, feel much more at home here.

    Misfit nudged me in the direction of ADHD investigation and I too looked at screening documents. The results were all 'extremely likely' and I've found that harder to process than the ASD, maybe just because it's on top and autism is more than enough to get your head around. Sometimes feels like nothing is ever going to make sense.

    I hope you will know what I mean when I say I don't think I'm saying what I meant to..

    I really appreciate you being around and sharing your hard won experience, good and not so great. Can we live contentedly with our Nt families? My jury is out but I have mo children and am not married, so I guess it's different.

    My Photoshop ambitions are to turn my paintings into fabric designs, which like everything else I do is apparently really complicated, I'll win though, just like you will. Wishing you very well Mr Warrior. (and my other friends ot there).

    X ()x ()x ()x
