Community-Forums-Miscellaneous and Chat... General Chat/Random Topics. (Est. January 11th, 2018)

All Random persons are invited. This is a Thread for Random Topics or for Random Chat. Concerning Random Topics discussed at Random, in a Random Randomness.

Please note: Random Chat is optional, and is Randomly Random. However I am not NAS, and so cannot be held responsible for any excessive Randomness discussed at Random by Random Persons. And so Please try to remain politely Random, here, for Random Ladies may be present also.

You have been warned...!

Parents Reply
  • Lovely picture DC, nice to see you back, I keep looking at the picture of your mind ! It fascinates me, if I concentrate and focus hard I can see amazing pictures within, 

    May I say it is more orderly than mine,mine would be mixed up and tied up in knots.

    I have tried posting pictures,but they must be to big in file size as they just won’t upload, It is a real shame when some but not all pictures suddenly vanish,leaving the written words with no context!


  • The picture of my mind changes, of course, but that is the base upon which now, um, keeps me alive... um... changing subject!!

    WebPM, somewhere, said to keep the pictures under 1 MegaByte, and/or smaller than 800x800 Pixels, somewhere... and so I did that, but there was one other picture (or two) which I was going to Post yet could not Post. So it is still pretty up-in-the-air...

    ...and as I said before (I think), I posted some random pictures in attempt to revive this Thread... and but for your doing so anyway, I was going to leave off to avoid drowning in "children". Is it like this at this time every year, is what I wonder...