Community-Forums-Miscellaneous and Chat... General Chat/Random Topics. (Est. January 11th, 2018)

All Random persons are invited. This is a Thread for Random Topics or for Random Chat. Concerning Random Topics discussed at Random, in a Random Randomness.

Please note: Random Chat is optional, and is Randomly Random. However I am not NAS, and so cannot be held responsible for any excessive Randomness discussed at Random by Random Persons. And so Please try to remain politely Random, here, for Random Ladies may be present also.

You have been warned...!

  • I've had a varied week with several meetings with my multiple advisors.

    On Wednesday I had a proper job interview coming up.  So on Tuesday, one organisation helping me gave me a mock interview.  The email inviting me to the interview was very formal, insisting that I bring multiple proofs of my right to live and work in the UK. And proof of ID and address etc.  The also insisted on dressing in 'business attire'.

    The actual interview was very different.  I suspect that the email was sent by the head office.  The interviewers were very informal in dress and manner.  The staff were dressed in normal clothes, t shirts with tattoos on arms (men and women had tattoos).  The interview itself was held in what I would describe as a wooden summerhouse/garden shed, at the bottom of the garden.

    Today I had two meetings, one with work coach at a job centre. The other with my employment  specialist / mental health case worker. Next month he wants me to attend an 'ESS assessment' ( it's a test of my level of maths and English), it's a condition of their funding.

  • Good to hear from you Robert. I feel exhausted just reading about your week. I think I need to get out more! Oh wait. I can’t. I’m too exhausted. 

    I don’t mind though. I told the job centre that I wouldn’t look for a job. I was freaking out. That’s when the job centre manager came and reassured me that I didn’t have to look for a job and that they’d never expect me to go for just any old job. 

    Now they’re trying to shaft me. They kept telling me that I must get the gp to write the exact same thing on the sick note. Now they’re saying they can’t accept my sick note because it says the same thing. I told her I’m not looking for a job and she said I’ll have to put something on the system as if I am, then get a new sick note saying something different. 

    My surgery had already called me anyway to ask me to go and see my gp so I’ll get another note but it all looks a bit dodgy to me. Like they’re getting people on the new benefit then kicking them off if they  don’t comply with what they want them to do. 

    I don’t mind. I’m grateful I’ve got a roof over my head right now and tomorrow’s another day. Or is it? Maybe it’s all just one long continuous day. :) 

    As soon as anyone starts asking me for proof of ID etc, I start freaking out and I want to walk away right there and then. I hate that. 

  • Here is the nice letter they sent me.

  • I know that letter well! I try to avoid it at all costs. 

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