072 101 108 108 111 032 087 111 114 108 100... with Optional 032 or 046.

There seems to be no other Thread (upon NAS) discussing this as a Topic, or Hobby, or its fancies... despite everyone who can read this actually doing it or using it. 


  • 072 101 108 108 111 032 087 111 114 108 100 with optional 032 or 046

    ..H....e.....l......l.....o...     ...W....o.....r......l.....d.........................     ../..   .

    Should after 072 101 108 108 111 032 087 111 114 108 100 it not be optional to have 033! (exclamation mark), rather than 032         (space). This is the second time I have seen 032 used at the end of a sentence, and am not sure what purpose it serves if it is not a numerical typing error, being that I have only just been introduced to writing in ASCII (American Standard Code Information Interchange) by Lonewarrior and Elephantintheroom, and I really enjoy it as a word puzzle.

    I mean it is just so satisfying in that for years using numbers has been a fundamental difficulty due to Dyslexia and Dyscalculia, and it is so fulfilling at last to actually have a functional relationship with numbers that actually works and makes sense to me ~ in at least the number to written form.

    Would perhaps someone who can write in ASCII post the 'THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG' and a line below which 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' in code please?

    This might sound strange but I will fully appreciate getting to work these out too.

  • As you wish.


    Decimal (non-standard, since a leading zero usually implies octal...):

    084 072 069 032 081 085 073 067 075 032 066 082 079 087 078 032 070 079 088 032 074 085 077 080 083 032 079 086 069 082 032 084 072 069 032 076 065 090 089 032 068 079 071

    Hex (standard representation):

    54  48  45  20  51  55  49  43  4b  20  42  52  4f  57  4e  20
    46  4f  58  20  4a  55  4d  50  53  20  4f  56  45  52  20  54
    48  45  20  4c  41  5a  59  20  44  4f  47


    the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

    Decimal (non-standard):

    116 104 101 032 113 117 105 099 107 032 098 114 111 119 110 032 102 111 120 032 106 117 109 112 115 032 111 118 101 114 032 116 104 101 032 108 097 122 121 032 100 111 103


    74  68  65  20  71  75  69  63  6b  20  62  72  6f  77  6e  20
    66  6f  78  20  6a  75  6d  70  73  20  6f  76  65  72  20  74
    68  65  20  6c  61  7a  79  20  64  6f  67


  • As you wish.


    Decimal (non-standard, since a leading zero usually implies octal...):

    084 072 069 032 081 085 073 067 075 032 066 082 079 087 078 032 070 079 088 032 074 085 077 080 083 032 079 086 069 082 032 084 072 069 032 076 065 090 089 032 068 079 071

    Hex (standard representation):

    54  48  45  20  51  55  49  43  4b  20  42  52  4f  57  4e  20
    46  4f  58  20  4a  55  4d  50  53  20  4f  56  45  52  20  54
    48  45  20  4c  41  5a  59  20  44  4f  47


    the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

    Decimal (non-standard):

    116 104 101 032 113 117 105 099 107 032 098 114 111 119 110 032 102 111 120 032 106 117 109 112 115 032 111 118 101 114 032 116 104 101 032 108 097 122 121 032 100 111 103


    74  68  65  20  71  75  69  63  6b  20  62  72  6f  77  6e  20
    66  6f  78  20  6a  75  6d  70  73  20  6f  76  65  72  20  74
    68  65  20  6c  61  7a  79  20  64  6f  67



  • A Manual ASCII (American Standard Code Information Interchange) Code to Text Table:

    032 = space

    033 = !

    034 = "

    035 = #

    036 = $

    037 = %

    038 = &

    039 = '

    040 = (

    041 = )

    042 = *

    043 = +

    044 = ,

    045 = -

    046 = .

    047 = /

    048 = 0

    049 = 1

    050 = 2

    051 = 3

    052 = 4

    053 = 5

    054 = 6

    055 = 7

    056 = 8

    057 = 9

    058 = :

    059 = ;

    060 = <

    061 = =

    062 = >

    063 = ?

    064 = @

    065 = A  and  097 = a

    066 = B  and  098 = b

    067 = C  and  099 = c

    068 = D  and  100 = d

    069 = E  and  101 = e

    070 = F  and  102 =  f

    071 = G  and  103 = g

    072 = H  and  104 = h

    073 =  I   and  105 =  i

    074 = J   and  106 =  j

    075 = K  and   107 = k

    076 = L  and   108 =  l

    077 = M  and  109 = m

    078 = N  and  110 = n

    079 = O  and  111 = o

    080 = P  and  112 = p

    081 = Q  and  113 = q

    082 = R  and  114 = r

    083 = S  and  115 = s

    084 = T  and  116 =  t

    085 = U  and  117 = u

    086 = V  and  118 = v

    087 = W and  119 = w

    088 = X  and  120 = x

    089 = Y  and  121 = y

    090 = Z  and  122 = z

    091 = [           123 = {

    092 = \           124 = |

    093 = ]           125 = }

    094 = ^          126 = ~

    095 = _

    096 = `

    Or else an automatic ASCII to Text or Text to ASCII conversion table website link:


  • If you are sitting in front of a UNIX (or modern Mac) machine, you can get these results from:

    echo -n "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" | od -t d1

    echo -n "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" | od -t x1