072 101 108 108 111 032 087 111 114 108 100... with Optional 032 or 046.

There seems to be no other Thread (upon NAS) discussing this as a Topic, or Hobby, or its fancies... despite everyone who can read this actually doing it or using it. 

Parents Reply Children
  • 12 out of 80

    Not sure what to think.  Zipper mouth

    I answered honestly.

  • :

  • Where do you find these EQ tests?

    I found one online with only 10 (daft) questions and it gave me a score of 40/200

  • I am still nonplussed, but nothing new there(!)

    Did I mention I scored 6/80 on the EQ?

  • Phew... I can be silly and flippant at times... it’s just part me and part anxiety..

  • This is a note to say, maybe annoying things. Earlier on, I Posted a Link back to the Christmas Thread, to DongFeng5's Reply. I *did* also mean to Post also the Start of the exchange: ElephantInTheRoom, to LoneWarrior, and then DeepThought joined in... but those Replies were missing at the time!!

  • This is directly typed into the Reply box, and so excuse me a few errors... and nervousness...

    I was seriously considering not logging on, as the past "festive season" has/had thrown usual routines into slight chaos... and mainly Parents-With-Children have dominated the Forum... along with replies STILL disappearing and reappearing at random!

    I Post this - and it stays - to support DongFeng5 and Miss Elephant and Miss Tortoise. The thing is... if tired (esp. after The Festive Season)... then say so and leave off, and persons here should not mind...

    Yet if you are in good humour, then I also try to say... "some weirdo woman" may have started this Thread, yet I *am* glad of two other "sissy GIRLS" contributing to it!

  • Don't go, Ellie. 

    I don't know why you would think I took offence?!?!? 

    None taken, I assure you. 

  • Believe me sometimes herding cats is easier than herding children...I’ll leave you men to it. Sorry if I caused offence 

  • Could be worse... you might have been a software engineering manager, or "cat herder"(!) 

  • Have you tried switching yourself off and on again

    I am computer science teacher....or "nerd herder"

  • Well, it's from old-fashioned typewriters. If you send those control characters to character-oriented daisy wheel printers, you can see them behaving just like an old typewriter. So it's perfectly logical, because of the evolutionary nature of the technology involved. Nerd

  • Love the fact that so where above you posted the code for “carriage return”, a properly archaic term, I love incongruities like that.

  • Well, got fascinated by some exchanges on another thread, where some other users were posting strings of seemingly meaningless numbers back and forth.

    Some folk were asking "what on earth are all these numbers about", so I tried to help by explaining a bit.

    In the reply you just wrote, you typed:

    It would be good to understand it

    It turns out that the computer system you wrote that on didn't produce those letters in the same way an old typewriter would.

    Instead, each time you hit a key, the computer sensed a number, and remembered it somewhere. Then, it turned those numbers back into little pictures that happen to look (to you) like letters, numbers, punctuation marks and so on.

    When you pushed the "Reply" button to add your words to the forum, your computer sent the numbers representing the things you typed to the big computer systems that provide this forum.


    It would be good to understand it

    could be sent as:

    073 116 032 119 111 117 108 100 032 098 101 032 103 111 111 100 032 116 111 032 117 110 100 101 114 115 116 097 110 100 032 105 116

    that is to say:

    "It" corresponds to the numbers seventy-three, and one hundred and sixteen. Each of the remaining letters in your words above similarly correspond to the remaining numbers.

    If you look at the last word in what I quoted from you, it is another "it". The final letter 't' is again coded as the number one hundred and sixteen.

    Does that help?