Christmas Decs - want them down now!

The Christmas decorations are annoying me now, I want them put away. 

Do you feel the same? or do you want them up until  the last minute? 

  • Greetings again. This is probably the last thing which I most wanted to Post.

    Tree = Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) (or other Abies Species).

    Lights = Fireflies (not native to this country!).

    Tinsel = Snow (causes trouble with British Rail, for "the wrong kind of snow" can "gap" a Train (cut off the electricity from the 3rd Rail)).

    Baubles = Fruits or PineCones or other large seeds (varies).

    Fairy/Star = ...upon gazing up at the tree, in the outdoors, either may be seen as if "alighted atop the Tree"...

    ...and so that is what all of that means. The Snow may be pink or the Fruits may be matchboxes... but that is all up to the individual. And so, if I could, I would keep a "Tree" all year, but it does not have to represent Yuletide! 

    Happy New Year, I always say, to all who may read.

  • Considering the frequent aggro that results in getting the things put up in the first place in my household, I am in no rush to put them back until near 6 January.

  • It's a Marmite situation isn't it?!  

  • Good for you :-D 

    I used to leave ours up until the last minute, I loved them so, but nowadays I just feel cluttered and want them down after Boxing day.  I still love seeing other folks decs up- how that works I don't know! 

  • I don't care what neighbours or people here think.

    I am an individual and different.

    My Christmas tree is NOT coming down.  Christmas tree

  • yes the lights are lovely it is sad putting them away, but I am feeling very cluttered by the decs now. 

    I want to put them away and feel the 'freshness' of the walls with the extra light to come - in about a week we will start to notice a bit of a change in daylight. 

  • It's the attack of the killer spammers.

    I re-quote that, yet reply to LoneWarrior, and Thank the both of you very very much... and when I said I might be going "mad", I meant the strange adverts ("spamming") which are now gone as if never having existed, and so I began a digression the point of which very few will be aware of ...!!!

    I am grateful for the experieince, and in retrospect it may be amusing... yet the entire business does nothing about slow speed, tiny reply-box, or logging off (or in my own case... old devices which might stop at any second)... or, back upon topic, Yuletide Decorations...

  • Hi DC sorry to give worry on the other Christmas thread. You were correct with your guess, I have poor internet connection very poor speed, struggling to just stay online, everything just keeps jumping about and flashing on and off, I am getting a dizzy head as typing is like a game, type letter and wait to see if it actually appears on the reply box, then I have to refresh when it logs off completely.

    And hi to Tom and Missy.

  • Mine come down around and before 6th too. But I do like the pretty cheerful lights. However I was reminded the days are lengthening again now so heading towards spring and snowdrops. 

  • ...Thank You for replying....

    But that was quick, was it not? In less than an hour, they are missing, at least from my device. I have another lesson about the Internet (...bah...) ...yet now a GREAT reason for additional Thanks... but for your reply... I might think myself to have gone slightly mad...!?

  • It's the attack of the killer spammers.

  • ...I want "in" on this Thread, and so I Post something. And Happy New Year to all!

    I live in a Family House (financial constraints), and we have a single Tree: Tree, Lights, Tinsel, Baubles, "Fairy" ... in that order. I myself put up the Tree, and I find it cute (we live in a concrete city). And I obey the "Twelfth Night" rule, that it must be put away before January 5th or so.
    I am allergic to this tree, and to its decorations, yet I still find them to be a nice change.
    I could Post more... yet *just* now... my, my, what a mess this NAS Forum has become...? I ask again if all of this happens every year - especially the forgetting of all that was Posted upon YuleTide Themed Threads... End of Post, now.

  • When the tree and decorations go down. The place looks so bland.

    So I usually keep them up until February or march.

    I get so few Christmas cards. I still have last year's up.

  • Same here - when living alone I haven't bothered. 

  • I didn't put any decs or tree up for about 4 years, following my divorce. 

  • They only hide the cobwebs of times gone. So yes...

  • I'd have em down now no probs but I'm outnumbered 3:1 by my wife and the boys. When I was single and lived alone there were several years when I never put anything up (oooerrr missus!)

  • yes, it's like clinging onto the past now.  Christmas has been and gone!  

    It does feel bare when they're all away, but, I like the freshness for a fresh start for the new year. 

    The cards aren't put away until after new year though.  Contrary!

    The lights are lovely and if I could I would have them all year, but I've got a nice cosy lamp. 

  • I can understand how you feel.  Lots of people have already taken theirs down around here.  I usually keep mine up until the new year because it makes the place look cosier.  I love the lights, etc.  But once Christmas has gone, it does start to feel like clinging onto something.  When they are taken down, though, I hate the sense of bareness that's left.