Seperation anxiety

Hi having a real problem at the son is 10 and recently diagnosed aspergers. I have a xmas dinner tonite for work and he is refusing to "let me go" as in he doesnt want me to go. He is only content to stay home if me or his nanny is here. She is working tho so his dad and granda are here and his 2 brothers. He thinks he will get angry..anxious..sick if im not here..and no1 else knows how to help him.

  • Hi NAS35627,

    That's a tough situation to be in, but I think it's best you left him for the evening with the other family members. If you keep obeying his every command, leaving will only become more distressing for him - he needs to get used to the fact that you can't always be around. Also, you need to let yourself live a little, otherwise you'll have your own life and desires taken away from you! It's not a nice situation, but in the long term, I think that leaving him for the evening is better. Besides, there are other family members there to look after him!x

    Much love <3

  • I think ur rite its definatly not gonna help by giving in...thank you xx

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