
Yesterday, a sixteen-year-old boy driving a tractor capsized it; right next to where I live. This happened while I sorted someone out for a Zoom meeting. I saw the Cops and Doctors out, from my window, while that happened; knowing I'd be bombarded with messages about it.

In the end, Air Ambulance took him to hospital. And there'll be an operation to save a leg of his. When I did come out, I saw a bus; thinking that the bus was hit.

This was on top of the nine-year-old boy, with a brain tumour, passing away last Friday. His grandfather just passed away, during the summer. This is becoming scary.

Now, I plan to attend another wake. But I need to gather my thoughts together, first. It's ongoing.

  • Hey Desmond

    Sorry to hear these events have affected you in this way. Things like that overwhelm me also. I can see you have lots of empathy and although it may feel quite painful sometimes I do think it’s a gift. 

    I do hope you are feeling a little more regulated soon

  • Hey Desmond

    Sorry to hear these events have affected you in this way. Things like that overwhelm me also. I can see you have lots of empathy and although it may feel quite painful sometimes I do think it’s a gift. 

    I do hope you are feeling a little more regulated soon
