Photography helps me focus (no pun intended)

I get so overwhelmed by all the chaos of life! One of the things which helps me personally is photography. I'm not especially good at it but it is so engrossing for me. I get totally absorbed in the process.

So, I'll see a raven (or several) and take shot after shot of the same bird in different positions and from different angles. Time seems to stand still. I'm totally "in the moment", which I normally find so difficult.

I get home and copy the RAW image files to my computer and spend hour upon hour playing with them. Choosing and rejecting images then modifying them in a hundred different ways until I get one or two that I like. Sometimes. Often none are up to my standard, but I don't mind. It's the process I like - the engagement - distraction. I think it may be good for my mental health to escape from the world for a time. If there's an end result, that's a bonus.

Anyway, here's a raven which I may get printed on a t-shirt...